Amanda (Estados Unidos) 🗽 🇺🇸

Hola a tod@s!
Soy Amanda. Soy estadounidense :us: pero vivo en Alemania :de: para mi master (maestria). Llegue a Chatterbug como estudiante, y todavia tomo muchas clases aqui. La mayoria de las clases que tomo aqui son de Aleman (como vivo aqui), que es mi quinto idioma. Amo aprender idiomas! Como Chatterbug ahora ofrece frances, creo que esto sera mi sexto. Tambien hablo turco :tr: y koreano :kr:. Aprendi español en la escuela y vivi un rato en Chile :chile: y en Argentina :argentina:. Ademas me gusta escalar :woman_climbing: y correr/jog :running_woman:. Espero verles pronto en clase!

Hello everyone!
My name is Amanda and I started here as a Chatterbug student. I am an unlimited Chatterbug subscriber, and I began working for Chatterbug to help fund my travels. I have been living abroad for about 9 years now, currently finishing my MA in Germany. That’s why I’m learning German, my fifth language. Now that Chatterbug has French, that will likely be number six! I was an English teacher in schools (elementary and middle school) before going back to school myself, so teaching online has been a natural way for me to become location-independent.


Wow! so many languages, which one is your favorite?

That’s so hard to say! They’re all very different and interesting in their own ways! I think Turkish has the coolest grammar, but I like German vocabulary. Now that’ I’m learning French, It’s also interesting to see all the similarities with Spanish.


I would love to learn Turkish! Must be amazing to travel in Turkey!

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