Ana from Seville, Spain

Hello everyone,
my name is Ana, I am from Seville in the south of Spain and live in Berlin. I am an actress and teacher. I have mainly worked in theater and I have taught Spanish and acting.

I speak English, German and a little bit of Italian. Oh, and I once learned Dutch, but since I never used it, I sadly forgot…
I have always loved to read and to learn. Nowadays I am addicted to audiobooks and podcasts. And, yes, I am one of those people that listen to them at 1.5x speed. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

I like to do sports and move, but I also love to eat and chill, haha.
I enjoy a lot being around friends and family. Not always, but sometimes I am a true chatterbox (or chatterbug) if there is an interesting topic to talk about, especially if it’s something that I am “nerding about” lately.

I really hope to bring you a lot of joy through the streams and that you learn a lot! :smiley:


Welcome to the Stream-Team, Ana! :wave:


Hola, @Ana007 :blush: ¡Bienvenida!

Nos alegra tenerte en Chatterbug, hoy de hecho te vi en los Streams y fue genial :star_struck:.

Hasta la prĂłxima :happyllama:.

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SĂ­iii! Te vĂ­. Gracias por estar ahĂ­ :slight_smile:

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Hola Ana! Yo estoy aprendiendo mucho de tus streams. Gracias


Oh! :relaxed: Muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Me alegro mucho de que estés aprendiendo con los streams. Gracias a tí por verlos. Un saludo, Ana.