Book your final lesson with me. June 6th will be my last available date

Sorry, it has cut me off and now the lesson is canceled. Hope to see you soon!

Hey there,
my name is Lynn too and I am new here. How can I start a lesson with you?

Hi, Great name :grinning: . Look for my name under the available English tutors and you will see my schedule and can book a live lesson. I look forward to teaching you!

You can favourite Lynn at her tutor’s introduction and then book a live lesson with her via your student’s dashboard

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Dear Lynn,
the past weeks I really tried to get Live lessons with you as tutor.
I got the Livelessons, but a few hours before the Live lesson started, the Tutor changed and I got a replacement. Do you know, what’s the matter ?
Kind regards,

Hi Sophia,
I’m sorry this is happening and I don’t know why. Yesterday I was waiting for you at 5:00 pm, but by 5:10pm it posted as a “no show”. I believe there was one other lesson where it also did not connect us together. I will report this to Chatterbug and hopefully it will be fixed. I leave for the US on Monday and will be back to teach on July 26th. Hope to see you then. Take care,
Lynn :grinning:

Dear Lynn,
I‘m so sorry, that this happened, I was sure, I booked a lesson today.
I wish you a great vacation and I’m looking forward to see you soon!

It’s not your fault. I still have a free slot from 13:30-14:15, if you are free?

That would be great!
But unfortunately I can’t see this slot on the timetable and can’t book it.
I already wrote the customer service.
I will keep trying to book the lesson!

That’s too bad. I have it posted on my side as available.

Hi Lynn, hoping you have a great weekend!

Thank you! Enjoy your weekend as well😀.

Hi Lynn! I hope you are well soon! Rest a lot!

Thanks! I broke my leg skiing, but will be back to teaching in the new year. Happy holidays! Hope to see you in January.

Oh my goodness! Have a happy new year! See you next year!

Hi Lynn in regards on lockbox term, here is a simple explanation.

It’s a service provided by banks to companies for the receipt of payment from customers.Under the service, the payments made by customers are directed to a special post office box instead of going to the company. The bank goes to the box, retrieves the payments, processes them and deposits the funds directly into the company’s bank account. Taken from Investopedia.

Thank you