Christmas recipes 🎄 Buñuelos

There are many ways to celebrate Christmas, and one of the most important things about this holiday is food :grin: :yum:. I would like you guys to please share your favorite recipes for this time of the year. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, you could also share with us a special recipe you cook in December. You don’t have to write it all if you don’t want to, you could also share a video or a photo :hugs:.

In order to begin, I would like to share with you my buñuelos recipe :happyllama::

:white_check_mark: If you want the buñuelos to expand more, you can also add a little spoon of baking powder.
:warning: :warning: :warning: Please be careful while putting the small dough balls in the hot oil. Sometimes the buñuelo ball breaks and the oil splatters. Also, please use a metal spoon in order to take the buñuelos out, if you use a plastic one it will melt :upside_down_face:.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to seeing all of your yummy recipes :hugs:.


What do you think, @Michi and @stefdival? :hugs: Am I missing something in this buñuelos recipe?

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Yes, you are missing something very important : Diciembre’s Background Music!.


¥Tienes toda la razón, @stefdival! :sweat_smile: With this song I just remember almost all and each of my Christmas in Colombia with my cousins and eating buñuelos, galletas and pavo de Navidad :sleepy:. Thanks for posting this song :relaxed:.