Film or TV show recommendations for beginners

I recommend watching TV and films you already know but dubbed German with GERMAN subtitles! It’s amazing for building vocabulary and getting a feel for “real” German.


I’m currently watching Tatort and Charité on ARD. I also watched 4 Blocks on Amazon Prime and Der Tatortreiniger. I enjoyed all of these despite not understanding everything that was being said (far from it!) but at no point did it feel like homework!


The ARD and ZDF Mediathek is also available for persons living outside of Germany. I am here in Argentina and I watch a lot of German series and films by mediathek.


Hola Brigitte
So do we in Chile! :blush:
My kids used to watch “Die Sendung mit der Maus” und “Wissen macht Ahh!”. They learned a lot about simple daily things!


Hi there,
another suggestion - at least for younger learners - could te “Tschick”. A quite funny road movie about friendship.
When we moved to Mexico my children picked up a lot of Spanish by watching the same movies again and again. That might not work for adults though …


Hi @Rliyo

here is the link I was talking about in our Live Lesson today about German movies :movie_camera:


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Janina already mentioned it, but I would like emphasize on the movie „Good Bye Lenin!“. There sure will be some sentences that cannot be understood completely by a beginner, but the strong images of the movie speak for themselves most of the time. :fireworks:

And it is such a nice movie about a historical event that still affects the German society nowadays! They create super interesting scenes of Berlin in the late 80s. It is a good movie for persons who want to get to know the German culture and society on a deeper level. :relaxed: