How do the tutor 1-1 lessons work here?

Can anyone direct me where can i find out about how the lessons work here?

Some questions:

  • Are these 1-1 lessons?
  • Can you book with the same tutor? can you choose the tutor?
  • Can the tutor correct your writing without a lesson? how would that work normally? or be charged for? i.e. if you write daily, i assume it can take time to correct?

thank you in advance!


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Hey Michael,
thanks for your interest. I’ll answer your questions one by one:

In your schedule, you can see your favorite tutors and their availability:

  • We correct your texts if you wish that. Just click the button “I would like a tutor to correct my writing” below your text. We don’t charge for it, you can write as many texts as you want.

I hope, that answered your questions.


Can i also book lessons with you? and another important question i guess, If i decide to buy the 400 EUR package which is 30 lessons, and i do not use them all for the month. Can I use them next month? i.e. i used only 15 so 15 left… or I have to utilize them for the current month otherwise they are lost?

thank you again very much for your feedback so far. I am really happy with your platform, and especially the design/style/user interface and how you market yourself, you have great learning grammar structure and i am sure with the lessons it could be very effective!


Hey @mike9736 ! We’re so glad you like the platform! :catbee: You can of course book a lesson with Stephan by clicking on ‘favorite’ on his profile!
To answer your question about live lesson credits, I think this page can help you! But basically yes, if you don’t use your 30 prepaid lessons, you can’t use them the next month (but you can place several lessons per day if you know in advance that you won’t be able to study the last week of a month for example! :wink:)


alles klar danke @Amandine !


@Dagmar Here is a useful post you could share with your students about how to mark a tutor as a ‘favorite’ and request further Live Lessons with that tutor.