Here is something energetic against the springtime fatigue ( die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit )
“Frühjahrsmüdigkeit” revers to an actual physical condition like tiredness, exhaustion and maybe headache only in spring @misys.k
Here is something energetic against the springtime fatigue ( die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit )
“Frühjahrsmüdigkeit” revers to an actual physical condition like tiredness, exhaustion and maybe headache only in spring @misys.k
always a great song @Janina
.Reminds me the band “Freundeskreis” ( circle of friends ) …different song, but same era I think
…or this one by Joy Denalane, which was shot in a location close by ( a bit spooky though , 'cause it’s an old crematorium )
Ein tolles Lied! Hatte Gänsehaut beim Hören…
@Kristyna Good Morning Kristyna
It is hard to sit still, listening to this song thanks for sharing all this great music! @Germanlady @Janina
It works also against the fall blues
I wish you all a nice weekend