Questions about Shorts Contest

So I heard about Shorts Contest and I made some Shorts. But now I have many questions.
How will be the winner of the contest chosen? Somebody said that short(s?) with the biggest amount of likes will win one year 1:1 learning. Ok, but maybe tutors are not participants of the contest, are they? Also there are many people, who speak German fluently. Do they participate when they have no need in prize? Also there are many shorts that were published before contest and they have more likes than other. Maybe only those shorts are participating, that were created and posted in time of Contest? idk. And also I have short (video) that has many likes but it’s not my video but from internet, is it allowed? Many questions :grin:


Hey @dmitrysukhov96 ! We are investigating your questions :smirk:
I’m not sure about who will win that contest but be assured that your shorts are great!! I particularly love your Chatterbug symphonies featuring Ben, amazing!! :heart_eyes: :honeybee: :clap: :clap:

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hey @dmitrysukhov96 ! First off, I have loved your Shorts so far - keep them coming!

The way the competition will work is the Short that has gained the most likes during the month of June will win the competition prize, which is a year on Chatterbug’s 1 on 1 lesson platform. We are limiting the competition to just our users, meaning Shorts created by staff members or external content creators (most native speakers) will not be entered into the competition. Other than that we don’t have many rules in place. So your Short that is a recorded video will still be entered (maybe we’ll change that for future months :wink: ).

I hope this answers your questions and good luck! Let me know if you want me to clarify anything else!


Oh thanks! There are all answers I wanted to know. Waiting for results of competition :grin:


One more question. Is the competition only for german segment or for all segments?

@dmitrysukhov96 all Chatterbug languages (German, English, French & Spanish) can participate.

Good luck! :crossed_fingers:

The winner will be in each language separately or one from all languages?
If it’s second option, I have no chances :smile:

Where will we see the results of the competition?
Also I see that my videos have much likes so my chances are pretty big… :thinking: