Winter Olympics vocabulary!

Hello All!,

The Beijing Winter Olympics are fast approaching. Where will you be watching the events on February 4th?
I thought it would be fun to gather some vocabulary that we might hear and use while watching the different sports.

Please comment some words in your target language, or feel free to share what sports or athletes you’re looking forward to seeing the most.

Let the games begin! :snowflake:


(EN) (DE)

  • Bobsled = Bobfahren

  • Curling = Eisstockschießen (??? is that correct?)

  • Ice Skating = Schlittschuhlaufen

  • Downhill skiing = skifahren (not sure about the downhill part)

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:de: Sprungschanze
:uk: ski jump

:de: Skilanglauf
:uk: cross country skiing

:de: der Schlitten
:uk: sled

:de: Rennrodeln

:de: Skispringen
:uk: ski jumping


Hi @Megan, Sprungschanze ( die ) and Skilanglauf ( der ) are correct. Downhill ski I"ld call β€œAbfahrtslauf” ( der ). Schlittschuhlaufen ( das ) is OK, but in the Olympics they do β€œEiskunstlauf” ( der )
= figure skating or Eishockey ( ice hockey
Have you tried any of these already?