Spanish Grammar Explained /

I am going to...

Talking about the future in Spanish is very easy and quite similar to the going-to future in English. As in English, Spanish uses the auxiliary verb ir (English: "to go"). Isn't that a beautiful coincidence?
I'm going to call the police.Voy a llamar a la policía.
Are you going to eat that?¿Vas a comer eso?
She is not going to come.(Ella) no va a venir.
Don't forget:
  • the preposition a
  • the conjugated form of the verb ir
  • the verb that actually explains what is going to happen in the future (here: llamar, comer, venir), is in infinitive, i.e. not conjugated.
These are the forms of ir
ustedes; vosotrosvan; vais 🇪🇸
Voy a comprar unas cosas al supermercado.
I'm going to buy some stuff at the supermarket.
¿Qué vas a hacer el fin de semana?
What are you going to do on the weekend?
This form is widely used in restaurants to talk about your order. So the waiter/waitress might ask:
¿Qué van a comer/beber?
You can answer by saying:
Voy a tomar una copa de vino.