Hello, my name is Alison and I live in Germany and have been teaching English for the past fourteen years. I was born in London to a Welsh family and grew up in Herefordshire, a county on the Welsh border. I trained as a classical ballet dancer and spent fifteen years dancing around theatres in Germany and Austria before getting married and having three wonderful children.
For the past 28 years I have been writing reviews for Dance Europe, a bi-monthly dance magazine that covers ballet and contemporary productions from all over Europe and beyond. I also used to work in the German school system looking after students in the after school clubs helping them with their English and French homework. I enjoy reading, walking, theatre and art, in fact anything cultural interests me, and of course languages!
Thank you for having me, look forward to getting started.
Dear Alison
A really big sorry for today. I am feeling so bad that the live lesson today do not have worked. I do not know why but I will try to found out. You are a such a good teacher and you have help me very much to improve my english in the last two weeks. I hope that you will be also in the future my tutor because I can learn very much from you. I hope that the program will work the next time and hope that you will be my tutor there.
A really good sorry for today
and the best wishes for the best tutor ever
Dear Luisa,
Please donât worry about it, I have sent a message to the team explaining what happened and asked what the trouble was and how we can sort it out but I wonât get an answer until Monday. Iâll be very happy to tutor you again so hopefully it will work out for a time next week. Have a good weekend and see you soon. Best wishes, Alison
Hallo Alison, here is a note to the reader. Iâll use the example in our lesson tomorrow.
Hy Alison,
we will meet on Friday. Iâm looking forward to our live lesson. Itâs a pleasure to learn with a classical ballet dancer. My husband and I are great Opera fans. I love âLa Traviataâ, my husbands favorite opera is âIl barbiere di Sevillaâ. We saw this opera on his 50th birthday in Scala in Milano Italy. It was amazing. The season 2020/2021 should be our first ballet season but Corona kills all our phantastic plans.
Have a good time and stay safe!
Thank you Klaus, Schauspieler, your next profession! Well done!
Liebe Alison
ein groĂes Sorry fĂŒr heute. Es tut so leid, dass die Live-Lektion heute nicht funktioniert hat. Ich hatte kein Internet und wo es dann endlich wieder ging was das Zeitfenster geschlossen und ich konnte mich nicht mehr einwĂ€hlen.
Ein wirklich gutes Sorry fĂŒr heute
Liebe Natalie, kein Problem, ist nicht schlimm, machâ dir keine Sorgen. Wir sehen uns nĂ€chste Woche. Liebe GrĂŒĂe
@ThreedeeNT I am so sorry I had to cancel the lesson at short notice yesterday evening. I was travelling back from the UK and unfortunately my journey was delayed by many hours so I did not arrive home in time as expected. My sincere apologies. I am back now and hope to see you again soon. Best wishes
@Michi_68 I am so sorry I had to cancel the lesson at short notice yesterday evening. I was travelling back from the UK and unfortunately my journey was delayed by many hours so I did not arrive home in time as expected. My sincere apologies. I am back now and hope to see you again soon. Best wishes
Hello Allison, no problem! Chatterbug informed me in time. See you soon!
@condor Hallo Martina, es tut mir leid aber ich bin erkĂ€ltet und es geht mir gar nicht gut deshalb habe ich unser âLive Lessonâ am Dienstag stornieren mĂŒssen. Mal schauen wie es mir geht am Mittwoch. Ich melde mich noch. Viele GrĂŒĂe Alison
@condor hallo Martina, es tut mir wieder so leid aber mir geht es immer noch schlecht so muss ich unser Live Lesson am Mittwoch absagen. Hoffentlich können wir die Stunden in den nĂ€chsten Wochen nachholen. Viele GrĂŒĂe Alison
Hallo Alison,
Kein Problem, gute Besserung
LG Martina
Liebe Alison ,
Ich habe in den nÀchsten Wochen geschaut aber finde keine Termine von dir, hast du Urlaub evtl.?
gern wĂŒrde ich dich wieder buchen.
lg Martina
@ThreedeeNT Good evening Tino, Iâm very sorry but I have to cancel our lesson tomorrow evening as I am suffering from a very bad cold. My apologies once again and I look forward to our lesson next Wednesday. Best wishes Alison
@condor Liebe Martina, nĂ€chste Woche habe ich nur offene Termine am Dienstag und Mittwoch um 17 Uhr. Die Woche drauf habe ich Bildungsurlaub mit einer Studentin ( 5 x Live Lesson am Tag) so weiss nicht ob ich noch die Kraft habe auch am Abend weiter zu machen aber die folgende Woche gibt es noch freie Termine. Wann sind die besten Zeiten fĂŒr dich? Liebe GrĂŒĂe, Alison