Amanda aus den 🇺🇸

:de: Hallo zusammen :bear_happy:,
Ich bin’s, Amanda. Ich bin Amerikanerin :us: aber wohne seit fast 6 Jahren Jahren in Berlin :de: . Deswegen bin ich hierher gekommen, als Studentin. Ich arbeite auch bei Chatterbug als Tutorin seit Sommer 2019 (Englisch für Spanisch), und ich bin sehr froh, dass wir jetzt auch English für Deutschsprechende haben. Ich spreche normalerweise nur Englisch beim unterrichten (aber ihr könnt mich natürlich etwas fragen, wann ihr wollt), deswegen stelle ich mich vor auf Englisch (unten):

:es: Hola a tod@s!
Soy Amanda. Soy estadounidense :us: pero me mude a Alemania :de: para mi master (maestria). Llegue a Chatterbug como estudiante, y todavia tomo muchas clases aqui. La mayoria de las clases que tomo aqui son de Aleman (como vivo aqui), que es mi quinto idioma. Amo aprender idiomas! Como Chatterbug ahora ofrece frances, creo que esto sera mi sexto. Tambien hablo turco :tr: y koreano :kr:. Aprendi español en la escuela y vivi un rato en Chile :chile: y en Argentina :argentina:. Ademas me gusta escalar :woman_climbing: y correr/jog :running_woman:. Como en general no e gusta hablar español durante mis clases, para mas informacion tienes que leer abajo en inglés :happyllama:

:us: Hello everyone!
My name is Amanda and I started here as a Chatterbug student. I am an unlimited Chatterbug subscriber, and I began working for Chatterbug to help fund my travels. I have been living abroad for about 11 years now, I moved to Germany almost 6 years ago for my master’s degree. That’s why I’m learning German :de: , my fifth language. I also speak :tr: (very useful in Berlin), :kr: (which is unfortunately not getting much use), and :es:, which I learned in :chile: and in school. Now that Chatterbug :catbee: has French :fr:, I have begun that as well and that’s number six! I was an English teacher in schools (elementary and middle school) before going back to school myself, and I began teaching online about 6 years ago. I also work as a Relocation Coach (helping people move to Berlin), translator, and educational summer camp director. In total, I have been teaching for about 12 years, and I absolutely love helping others learn to love languages as much as I do!

I hope to see you soon!


Hi Amanda, Welcome and thanks for your first post.
I come from Chile :chile: And now I live and work in Germany. Still learning the language. I hope when I feel confident with German, I could improve my Italian and Portuguese, but so far, here in Chatterbug I could go for French.
Good luck in Berlin!


Thanks! De donde en Chile? Vivi medio año en Santiago, Ñuñoa. Y vives ahora en Berlin?

You are very welcome.
Nací en Arica, muy al norte de Chile, luego viví en Iquique (desde los 10 a los 18 años). Me fui a estudiar a Santiago y viví allí por cerca de 20 años.
Acá en Alemania vivo en Unkel, en el Rhein, cerca de Bonn.

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Hallo MissAmanda,
I booked for tomorrow a life lesson with you and I am looking very forward. I was born in Berlin and lived there for 42 years until 2013. I came from Spandau. Where do you live?
All the best see you tomorrow!

Hi Daniela,
I live in Berlin Charlottenburg, near the palace. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow!


Hallo Amanda,
thank you for this helpfully nice life lesson. Perhaps you say nice helpfully, but I am sure you would say first nice blue life lesson. But is a life lesson blue or orange?
Good night, stay safe

Hello Amanda,

I want to apologize because I cancelled the lesson of today morning.
I actually would have participated if something unexpected didn’t happen.
I am sorry that I cancelled.

Looking forward to the next lesson,

Kindly Regards


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Dearest students,
Some of you I have told in person, but I haven’t seen some of you recently. I got a new job, and so I won’t be tutoring for a while. My profile will be totally deactivated. My student profile @0rangeorchid will still be active and we can keep in touch there if you like. I look forward to seeing you all again when everything settles down at work!
Best of luck with your studies!


Hi Amanda! I am Chris, I have a Live Lesson in some minutes but my computer is running an update, could you give me some minutes?

Hi Amanda,
I really enjoyed my first Live Lesson with you and would love to have more lessons with you. Is there any way I can book lessons and make sure I have you as my tutor?

Kind regards,

Ps. My son wrote this message :wink:

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Hi Lutz (and Toni),
When you go to my profile (click on my username or photo), there is a pink button “favorite”. After you click this, when you go to book a Live Lesson my schedule will be highlighted for you. I usually only tutor here on weekend mornings, but I could also organize a weekday evening lesson for you if we can agree on a time.

Let me know if you have any questions.
See you soon

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