Camille from France, currently in Mexico 😃🌎

Hi everyone!

My name is Camille, and I am from a small town in northern :fr: France :fr: called Saint-Omer (Around 15,000 inhabitants).
Small today, it was one of the most important cities in the Middle Age, and I was surprised to see the famous French writer Victor Hugo mention it in several of his books

It has an interesting history BUT it is also a cold and rainy place. Do you picture the famous British weather? Well, it is about the same
 :umbrella: :wind_face:). I soon wanted to travel and discover new places.

I first went to study as an Erasmus for a year in the middle of :ireland: Ireland :ireland: (Athlone). It was such a great experience (Except for the weather, again :rofl: ). I got to learn about so many different cultures all in one place, and got literally passionate about it. I almost could not speak any English when I got there (school classes were a total fail for me) and I had to go through quite a few difficulties, especially on my arrival day.
After a few weeks only, everything was perfect and I was living the dream. By the end of the year, I graduated in International Business and Management and even learnt quite a lot of Italian at the time by living with 5 of them

I came back to France for a few months where I studied as well with foreigners whom I loved to help learn some French.
Later, I left again as an Erasmus for 6 months in :es: Spain :es: (Santander, Cantabria) where I learnt Spanish :smiley:

After those amazing experiences I wanted another challenge and live outside Europe
 I was also dying to experience the “flip-flop life”, as I love to call it :desert_island: :dark_sunglasses:

With the help of some friends, I went to finish my master by a 6 months internship in the :dominican_republic: Dominican Republic :dominican_republic:, in the Caribbean
 That ended up in almost 3 years living in PARADISE.
After 6 months, I launched my company in tourism and made sure that everyone who came on the island would have an amazing AUTHENTIC time there.

BUT: am I the only one here for who it is difficult to settle somewhere long-term? I am in love with DR, but I felt I still wanted to travel around for a while

So I started a Working Holiday Visa in January 2020, in :new_zealand: New Zealand :new_zealand:. I was lucky to spend there 2 blessed years away from Covid-19 :pray:
During this amazing experience with my partner Tristan (who is also a French tutor on Chatterbug), we spent 3 months in the :cook_islands: Cook islands :cook_islands:: On Rarotonga and Aitutaki. It felt lovely to enjoy the tropical island vibes again. It will also always remain a very special place to us as it is where I got pregnant. It came along as a surprise and we decided to go on with it

SO, after thinking about what could be our next plans according to our situation, we decided to move to :brazil: Brazil :brazil: in March 2022. We lived in FlorianĂłpolis for a year, where our little girl Luna was born 2 months later :hatching_chick:
We loved everything about the South of Brazil, which is what we got to discover.
In June 2024, our second daughter Naya was born in Mexico :blush:

I definitely feel that learning from others is what makes us richer and that there is always more to learn
 That’s also probably a way to make the world a better place :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Beside all this, I also am a Social Media Freelance Moderator and a horse-riding teacher (My passion since I am 3yo).
I am currently doing a Trust-Technique course, which is more about taking the relationship with animals to another level and help every owner and animal make the best of their relationship. It is a bit like a mix a Reiki and animal communication.

Today I can speak French, Spanish and English fluently. I would love to speak Italian again someday: Practice makes it all! And I could not keep it up in the last years.
I also started to learn Brazilian Portuguese since we arrived in Brazil, which is now kind of messing up my Spanish :face_with_hand_over_mouth::woman_facepalming:t3:

I love to learn words/sentences in the languages of close people I meet: Turkish, Arabic, Urdu, Russian, Maori, Hebrew
 If only I had time to learn them all! :rofl:

I really look forward to meeting you all and get to know about you (In French)!
À bientît,
Camille :hugs:


@Camille.TerRa That sounds really great and awesome. We hope you enjoy tutoring with Chatterbug as you are moving from one beautiful place to another :wink:


salut Camille. when is it possible to book another Live Lesson with you? best regards. Mario

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Bonjour Mario !
If you haven’t yet made Camille your favorite tutor, here are the steps to follow! You can favorite tutors and then see their availability first when you want to book a lesson!

Also, I don’t know if you’ve seen that Camille recently updated her profile saying that she was reducing her availability with the imminent arrival of her baby :hatching_chick: (FĂ©licitations @Camille.TerRa ! :tada:) :blush:


Salut Mario, it’s really nice to read you!
As @Amandine said (Thank you by the way :smiley: ), I am just taking a few weeks off to get ready for the arrival of baby :blush:
But I hope to be back as soon as I can and will be very glad to have again a Live Lesson with you!
Take care and I hope you will learn a lot in the meantime :hugs:


salut salut ! so good to hear from you. I will do that. all the best to you and cya soon ! Mario.


Salut Mario @Meyer ! Je suis de retour sur Chatterbug. Si tu es encore actif, ce sera un plaisir de te revoir pour une Live Lesson :slight_smile: À bientît! Camille

Merci Beaucoup pour votre leçon! J’aurai des Ă©couteurs la prochaine fois. Bonne JournĂ©e! Mikiala


Salut Mikiala, merci beaucoup Ă  toi! Ça a Ă©tĂ© un plaisir et Ă  demain! :smiley:

Salut @franz22 ! Chatterbug a automatiquement arrĂȘtĂ© le temps d’attente pour dĂ©marrer notre leçon aprĂšs 10 minutes
 Je suis dĂ©solĂ©e qu’on ait pas rĂ©ussi Ă  ĂȘtre connectĂ©s. J’ai envoyĂ© un message Ă  Chatterbug Ă  ce propos.
Étais-tu bien sur un ordinateur?
À bientît j’espùre,

HI Camille, would it be ok to just use the time to chat? I would like to practice past and future tense and just be able to practice conversation. Is that ok? Mikiala

Salut Mikiala, oui bien sĂ»r avec plaisir! À trĂšs bientĂŽt :smiley: :wave:

Re-coucou @LizChamberlayne !
Voici un autre article qui va t’intĂ©resser concernant l’utilisation des prĂ©positions EN ou Y:

À trùs bientît! :hugs:

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Merci Camille, tu es trÚs gentille. Et merci pour ma leçon de hier matin. Je te souhaite une excellente journée !
À bientît. :slight_smile:


Bonjour Camille,

Nous sommes arrivĂ©s dans notre maison en France mais le wifi ne fonctionne pas :slightly_frowning_face:. Je suis dĂ©solĂ© d’annuler mon cours dĂ©main, j’espĂšre que le wifi sera bientĂŽt rĂ©parĂ©.

Je te souhaite une bonne journée,

Liz :blush:

Bonjour Liz,
Merci beaucoup pour ton message, je suis contente de savoir que vous ĂȘtes bien arrivĂ©s! :blush:
Pas de problĂšmes pour demain, j’espĂšre Ă©galement que ton wifi pourra vite ĂȘtre rĂ©parĂ©.
À trĂšs vite et bonne soirĂ©e en :fr:,

Bonjour Camille,

Je suis dĂ©solĂ©e mais mon internet ne fonctionne toujours pas ! Je ne pourrai pas rattraper toutes les leçons manquĂ©es ce mois-ci, donc jusqu’à ce que je sois de nouveau en ligne, j’ai dĂ©cidĂ© de ne pas annuler. De cette façon, tu sera toujours payĂ©. J’espĂšre que c’est d’accord ?

Orange dit que l’ingĂ©nieur arrivera demain, mais ils ont dit la mĂȘme chose chaque jour, donc je ne suis pas du tout confiant.

J’espùre à bientît !


Hello Liz,

Mince, merci pour ton message! Pas de problĂšmes, merci :hugs:
J’espĂšre que le problĂšme sera vite rĂ©solu pour toi. Et que tu pratiques quand mĂȘme tous les jours ton français! :wink:

PS: Pour information, si tu as du rĂ©seau oĂč tu habites, ça vaut peut-ĂȘtre le coup d’avoir une carte SIM française pour faire un partage de connexion par exemple. L’opĂ©rateur Free a des offres intĂ©ressantes et les cartes SIM sont envoyĂ©es rapidement en gĂ©nĂ©ral

Exemple: 150 gigas d’internet en France, et tu bĂ©nĂ©ficies aussi de 35 gigas tous les mois une fois rentrĂ©e en Angleterre, pour 20€/mois.

Peut-ĂȘtre que ça peut t’intĂ©resser! J’espĂšre Ă  bientĂŽt dans tous les cas,
Bonne soirée :blush:

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Bonjour, @Camille.TerRa!
J’espùre que tu vas bien, ainsi que ta famille. :slight_smile:
Je suis arrivĂ© Ă  Bucarest et j’espĂšre bientĂŽt programmer de nouveaux cours avec toi.
À trùs bientît! :hugs:

Coucou Gitane, merci pour ton message.
J’espùre que toi tu vas bien! Ici oui, par chance :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
J’ai beaucoup pensĂ© Ă  toi ces derniers jours en t’imaginant au BrĂ©sil :pray:
J’ai mis trĂšs peu de disponibilitĂ©s ces 2 prochaines semaines car c’est plus compliquĂ© pour moi de faire garder Luna.
N’hĂ©site pas Ă  me dire quand ça t’arrangerait d’avoir une ou plusieurs leçons pour que je puisse quand mĂȘme m’organiser et te libĂ©rer des disponibilitĂ©s de mon cĂŽtĂ© :blush:
À trùs bientît j’espùre :hugs:

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