Is this possible? For example I would find it helpful to be able to “slice-and-dice” the stats on my cards to have a better understand of things I need to focus on. It seems that the only place to view individual cards right now is immediately after a session or on a per-unit basis?
Another few general study card questions:
Does reviewing cards immediately after a session do anything to their maturity numbers? For example, I review all my errors immediately after a session, does this count towards the official card stats in any way or is it simply a helpful feature?
Immediately after a Study Card session we are given the text “You should review again soon.” This implies to me that we have a way to review these specific cards in the system again once we leave the session. Is that correct or just awkward wording? For example, if I choose not to “review now” I don’t believe there is any way to see this set of specific cards in a group again? (this question kind of circles back to my first one.)