Cancelled live lesson

Dear @KarenR,

sorry that I wasn’t able to do the Live Lesson on Friday. I cut myself :milk_glass: :drop_of_blood: :ambulance: the night before and had to see my doctor on friday.

Hope you enjoyed your Live Lesson with another tutor.

Have a nice weekend :sunflower: :sun_with_face: :smiley:.

Melanie :wave:

Oh no! I hope you’re okay now.

The other teacher was okay, but not you! Hopefully you’ll be mended enough for this Friday.

I’m off on the Norway cruise 12th - 21st June. So hopefully catch up with a class after this if you’re not healed by Friday.

Hope you have a lovely week,

Kind regards,


Thanks Karen that’s very nice of you :blush:. Don’t worry, I can do the Live Lesson on Friday. I didn’t need any stitches, my doc was able to close the wounds with some skin closure strips.

See you on Friday :smiley: :wave:
