Change the LL from the 12th to the 17th of July

Dear @karabarr295 unfortunately I had to change my shift at work. Could you change the LL from the 12th to the 17th of July same time? I would really love to see you! I hope that you will be able to do it! I’m very sorry for the inconvenience!
Hope to see you soon! Take care :sunflower:
Bettina :hugs:

Hi @Bettina2 thanks for the info, and yes, I’d be available on the 17th if you’re free. As far as I can see, your schedule appears booked currently, but I’ll keep looking for open time slots with you.
Liebe Grüße aus Augsburg :slight_smile:

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Hi @karabarr295 thank you for your answer. I just opened a slot on July 17th at 17:30 o’ clock.
Seid ihr schon in Deutschland?
Liebe Grüsse aus Zürich

Danke, @Bettina2 ! Ich habe gerade den Termin geschnappt. Ja, wir sind jetzt seit eineinhalb Wochen in Augsburg. Ich freue mich, dich bald zu sehen und dir davon zu erzählen :slight_smile:

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