Chatterbug App for Android/Iphone

I have been enjoying this app for some days already and i truly think that this is the best language app i have used so far after trying out some of them (busuu, duolingo…).
I was wondering if there are any plans about creating a mobile-based app that could be found in the playstore for android or iphone. It would be very convenient to have it, instead of always needing to access it through the web browser.
I have seen that there is an App for the Streams and for the Chatterbug Community, but i have not seen a similar one for the chatterbug language program itself. I don’t know if i’m missing something.

Thanks for the effort of implementing this program! I’m an engineer myself currently working in programming and i really appreciate the high quality of this product!



Hey @pedrogalher.
Thanks for your compliments! There’s indeed a Chatterbug mobile app. Just search in your appstore!

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Thanks for your quick answer. For some reason the app does not appear in my play store. I wonder if it is because it is not available in my country (UK)?


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Mhm, it should be available worldwide. But let me ask our team and I’ll pass the answer to you asap!

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This is the screenshot of what i get when looking for the app:

Thanks! I already passed it along to our Customer Service Team!


Hi @pedrogalher,

thanks for reaching out! We’re really happy you enjoy Chatterbug!
@SKrausser is right, we do have a mobile version of Chatterbug, but it is currently not out there for download.
The reason is that our dev team focuses on the further development of the Streams app, currently, and since the Chatterbug app needs a few improvements, we decided to take it off for the time being. It will come back as soon as we have enough capacity for it, but probably not this year.
