Chatterbug Pricing Adjustment - March 2024

Deutsch unten

Dear Chatterbugs,

In order to maintain the high quality of our platform and ensure that our tutors are paid fairly, Chatterbug is raising the prices of all new subscription plans from March 1st 2024.

Students with existing paid subscriptions will keep our current prices after March 1st until they cancel or switch plans. No action is required from students here.

If you’re not yet a paying student, you can secure our lower rates by subscribing before they rise.

Our new pricing, effective as of March 1st 2024, can be found below:

  • Lite: 23 EUR
  • Casual: 84 EUR
  • Serious: 155 EUR
  • Ultimate: 445 EUR

Please be assured that the decision to raise our prices was not taken lightly and we remain 100% committed to the value you, our students, get from Chatterbug. We’ll continue working to ensure Chatterbug remains the most effective, flexible, and affordable option to serious language learners like yourselves.

If you have any questions, the team is here as always – just reply to this post or email us at

With best wishes,

Team Chatterbug

Deutsche Version:

Liebe Chatterbugs,

um die hohe Qualität unserer Plattform aufrechtzuerhalten und sicherzustellen, dass unsere Tutoren fair bezahlt werden, erhöht Chatterbug die Preise für alle neuen Abonnements ab dem 1. März 2024.

Aktuelle zahlende Nutzer können ganz normal weiter lernen – bestehende monatliche Abonnements bleiben nach dem 1. März auf dem aktuellen Preis, bis sie gekündigt werden oder der Tarif gewechselt wird.

Falls du noch kein aktives Abonnement hast, kannst du dir unsere niedrigeren Preise sichern, indem du ein neues Abonnement abschließt, bevor sie steigen.

Unsere neuen Preise, die ab dem 1. März 2024 gelten, werden unten aufgelistet:

  • Lite: 23 EUR
  • Casual: 84 EUR
  • Serious: 155 EUR
  • Ultimate: 445 EUR

Die Entscheidung, unsere Preise zu erhöhen, wurde nicht leichtfertig getroffen – ist aber nötig. Wir werden weiterhin daran arbeiten, dass Chatterbug die effektivste, flexibelste und erschwinglichste Option für ernsthafte Sprachlerner wie du bleibt.

Falls du irgendwelche Fragen hast, ist das Team wie immer für dich da - antworte einfach auf diesen Post oder schreibe uns an:

Beste Grüße,

Team Chatterbug


Except this price increase, what’s new ? what new features do you release ? I recently saw that you cut the streams which is really sad imo. Would be great to have visbility on what’s hapenning here ?

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Hey Jonathan,

Thanks for your reply! Happy to provide some more insight here.

We introduced the recent price increase to cover some key costs which have naturally increased over time, rather than to reflect the value of a new feature or similar. The biggest factor here is an increase in tutor pay rate, which was important to ensure we’re paying them fairly in the current climate and properly compensating the work they do.

Please note that this is the first time we’ve adjusted our subscription prices in just under 5 years, and we’ve worked to keep the rise as minimal as financially possible, as well as limiting it to new subscriptions.

Regarding Streams, you’re right that we had to make the tough decision to discontinue the active production of live streams - we’re as sad about this as I’m sure you are. However, we’re keeping the app and its full content library available for free, with the hope it continues to be a valuable learning resource despite the lack of new content at the moment.

In the meantime, we’re focusing our efforts on ensuring our students get the most value out of our paid, flagship product: Live Lessons. Our aim here is to provide the market-leading combination of fair pricing, flexibility and language progress.

That said, if you have ideas for particular features that you feel would help you progress faster or generally improve your experience with Chatterbug, we’d be delighted to hear these. Please feel free to post them here or send them directly to the team via support chat.


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Yes I see a couple of things that could be improved :

  • The Vocabulary learner could introduce “contexts”. Meaning, when you provide an adjective, a word or a verb to give few examples of sentences where it is used so we remember how to use the word rather than one simple translation.

  • The writing practices could automatically be reviewed by a community of teachers so we can correct them. Here we need to post on the forum and maybe sometimes we don’t want to go public.

That’s small suggestions but I hope you can be creative and find other things that will make us stay on the plateform :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Cool ideas, thanks for sharing! I’ll note them down and make sure they make their way into our next product discussions :slight_smile: