ChatterHangs - June 15th, 2021

Do you want to make progress with your German speaking skills, but don’t have enough opportunities to practise? Then ChatterHangs is for you! Join us for some fun and light-hearted conversation practise online.

In honor of :seedling: World Environment Day on 5 June 2021, this month we’ll be focussing on the topic the environment and what we are doing to protect it! During the one-hour meetup, we will break out into small groups of 3 to 4 people and discuss the topic of the month. To keep things interesting, we will have a guided conversation along with fun games and activities! We will also have several native German speakers joining the event to help when you get stuck.

What do you do to protect the environment?
  • I use reusable coffee cups
  • I don’t use plastic bags
  • I eat vegetarian or vegan
  • My bike is my main mode of transport
  • I buy second hand clothes and furniture
  • Other - tell us below!

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The level for ChatterHangs is intermediate to advanced (B1+) to keep the conversation flowing.

Grab your friends and join us for ChatterHangs and let’s “speak German zusammen”!

When? Tuesday 15th of June, 6pm, (Central European Time)

Where? Online - join us via Zoom

To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP here! If you are based in any of the following cities, you can also RSVP via meetup at the links below:

By RSVP-ing in the meetup groups above, you can stay up to date with all our virtual and future in-person events in your area! Every 3rd Tuesday of the month we gather virtually via zoom to practice our German-speaking skills at ChatterHangs. This will be a casual environment to help you feel relaxed, all while making new friends!

Check out this video to get a better impression:


Sadly, here in Ecuador it’s almost impossible to avoid plastic bags. And, as I live in a remote village, I need a car.


  • I always work remotely and use my car just, when I really have to use it.
  • My house (as most houses here) doesn’t have heating at all. That’s the reason why my students see me mostly wearing a Poncho (yes, when you just have 14 degrees inside the house, that could be very cold :cold_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)
  • Meat (especially pork and beef) is far more expensive here than in Europe and industrial livestock farming (those huge stables) are forbidden here. So, eating meat is a real luxury for us.
  • We also eat almost only local fruit, vegetables and other products. Imported cherries or grapes are very expensive.
  • I just fly by plane when I visit my family in Europe (once every two or three years).
  • When we buy electronic devices or other things, we buy high-quality products which last a long time (Yes, my washing machine is older than myself :smiley:)

Hello everyone,

thanks for joining the event!
We gathered some great ideas in today’s Chatterhang with everyone.
We split up into groups, where each group got a different ecosystem.

:ocean: Die Ozean-Gruppe:

  1. Wirf keinen Müll in den Ozean!
  2. Mache weniger Kreuzfahrten!
  3. Besuche keine Orte mit Massentourismus!
  4. Iss weniger Fisch!
  5. Räum deinen Müll vom Strand weg!
  6. Benutze wiederverwendbare Strohhalme!

:woman_farmer: Die Agrarland-Gruppe:

  1. Verschwend kein Wasser!
  2. Verwend keine Pestizide!
  3. Benutz keine Pestizide!
  4. Bau Windräder!
  5. Kauf Obst und Gemüse lokal.
  6. Kauf Obst und Gemüse saisonal.

:mountain: Die Gebirge-Gruppe:

  1. Schmeiß keinen Müll auf den Weg
  2. Vor allem keine Zigarrentenstümmel.
  3. Keine Waldrodung auf den Bergen
  4. Pflanz mehr Baume auf und neben den Bergen
  5. Es dürfen keine Mineralien aus den Berg gewonnen werden.
  6. Benutz keine Transportmittel mit grossen hohen CO2 ausstoss.
  7. Macht keine grosse Feuer auf dem Berg, keine Waldbrände erzeugen

:evergreen_tree: Die Wald-Gruppe:

  1. Macht kein Feuer im Wald.
  2. Baut nicht so viel Gebäude
  3. Jagt keine Tiere, wenn es nicht erlaubt ist. / Stört keine Tiere im Wald
  4. Spare mit Holz und Papierprodukten
  5. Bau keine große Wege im Wald.
  6. Pflanz zumindest einen Baum

@SKrausser: True with the plastic bags. Sadly, it’s not possible to avoid plastic everywhere.