Conor from 🇮🇪 living in 🇩🇪

I’m Conor, I’m a teacher and writer living in Berlin, Germany!

I’m originally from green green Ireland, where I got my M.A. in English literature and taught Shakespeare. :scroll:

I moved to Berlin a few years ago and worked in a startup as an instructional designer, building online courses for career changers. But I was looking for something a bit more human and personal, so trained as an English language teacher and now am helping Berliners improve their English skills.

I’m a freelance writer and big reader too so I know how challenging and fun language can be!

It’s super rewarding helping people improve and seeing their progress in real time.

In my free time I go swimming in Berlin’s many lakes, visit the kino (cinema), and am teaching myself video editing. :video_camera:

See you in a Live Lesson soon :slight_smile:


Hi @conor_s,

Welcome to the Chatterbug community! We’re really pleased to have you on board :star_struck:

Have fun tutoring,


Hi Connor,

nice to meet you. Hope you have a great time and as much fun as possible with Chatterbug :slight_smile:

Hi Conor,

a warm welcome and fun with tutoring also from me :smiley:. Hope you got over the “Kulturschock” after arriving in Berlin :joy: :thinking: :wink:
