By the way: The Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache published many many many new Corona related German words here:
Enjoy it , but always wearing your mask
By the way: The Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache published many many many new Corona related German words here:
Enjoy it , but always wearing your mask
a new word creation. A combination from “müde” tired and “wütend” angry
…created by the media here in Berlin…as far as I know
Ich habe Impfneid. Immer.
Dieses Wort gab es letztes Jahr zum Beispiel noch nicht, das ist brandneu
Hallo Leute,
Einige Corona-Wörter sind noch:
Liebe Grüße,
Do you know this new one?
Impftourismus - people who travel to Moscow to get vaccinated
Impfstoff ( vaccine )
…a Berlin based singer / songwriter founded a band by that name. This is her song “Dressed up auf der Couch”:
Versuchskaninchen = Guinea pig
To avoid confusion for German learners, it’s maybe worth mentioning that this is only the figurative sense, if you want to talk about literal guinea pigs, the animal is called “Meerschweinchen”
Thanks @ameliea, I was just thinking the same…that I should specify the term that is
“Versuchskaninchen” Guinea pig refers only to laboratory animals ( Versuchstiere ).
Is there, by the way a different term for “Versuchskaninchen” in Bavaria?
@Germanlady I never thought about it before, but now that you mention it… people in Bavaria often use “Karnickel” instead of “Kaninchen”, so yes – you might hear “Versuchskarnickel” when you’re down there
I love this song! It speaks right out of my heart! Thank you for sharing it!
Ciao Danielaxxx
You’re welcome @Danielaxxx. I felt the same way then I heard the song on the radio ( Radioeins ).
Have a nice Sunday
Cheers, Melanie