Danielle from the US

Hey there! I’m Danielle and I’m a Chatterbug Streamer.

I’m also a part of the awesome Learning Experience team at Chatterbug where I lend my knowledge of all things English and education.

I’m super passionate about English, so much so that I spend a great deal of time talking to myself about words and looking up the etymologies of those words. English has been a huge part of my life, not only because I speak it, but also because I studied it and have taught it for many years.

I’m from Richmond, Virginia, in the United States. Richmond is a lovely, multicultural city, in a state with a rich history (most of the Founding Fathers were from Virginia!). I love my hometown dearly, but it didn’t quite feel big enough for my dreams, so that’s why I moved to Berlin where I’ve been living with my small family for the last 5 years.

When I’m not streaming or working at Chatterbug, you can usually find me at a playground with my four year old, hanging out at a wine bar :wine_glass: with friends, going for long walks while listening to podcasts (let me know if you need some recommendations!), or doing some solo travel.

Be sure to check me out: DaniofBerlin :relaxed:


Great to have you as a Streamer @danielle! I look forward to watch your streams!

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I’m already waiting for your next stream. I try to watch American series…that, and speaking English is my challenge in the next few years…! :sweat_smile::grimacing:


Hi @Elfi. I’m glad you’re tuning in! Please let me know if you have any specific American topics you’d love to hear more about! I’m all ears :ear:!


There are a lot of things I’m struggling with! :grimacing:
Maybe a stream about how to understand American people when they speak very fast and drop letters and words in a sentence…:rofl:
How to improve the speaking skills when there is no one i can speak English with! (Except the Live lessons):man_shrugging:t2:
In time vs on time…:man_shrugging:t2:
Oh my gosh, there are so many things…:joy:
Can’t wait for your next stream.
And by the way, all of you are doing a great job! :+1::+1::+1:


These are great ideas :bulb:! Thanks for the suggestions :relaxed:

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@danielle When do you have your next Livestream, I really miss them! The one with Max was something special! :+1::blush: I like to learn the difference in speaking between UK and US. :pray:

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@Elfi thanks for your sweet message! Danielle is currently taking a well-deserved vacation, but will probably be back in August! :palm_tree:

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Thanks for your answer! :pray:
Everyone deserves a vacation! :+1:

I really like Max’s streams :heart:, but I also miss Danielle and Alex. :pensive: Will they return at some point? :thinking:
When I already can’t do “live lessons” (because of my non-existent voice), I can watch at least streams! :pray:

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@Elfi I miss them too :cry: ! Maybe we’ll see them again one day :heart_eyes:.

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