I’ve been learning German with Chatterbug for around four months now. I like the platform and I love the tutors and live exercises! I am very impressed with the friendliness and helpfulness of the tutors, as well as the thought put into the exercises you do with them.
I have a proposal for the self-study component. I see that it is currently useful (it introduces you to concepts and then does vocabulary drilling to help you remember). However, it could be made a bit more fun with the addition of different types of activities. Right now it seems like it is 80% vocab drilling, 10% reading/writing, and 10% videos. This can get a bit boring sometimes…
I propose that you consider the following for the self-study:
- Interactive games that force you to remember certain words to win points/win the game
- Interactive texting conversation with a German-bot (i.e. not a live tutor) that corrects your grammar yet still holds an interesting conversation
- Videos with interactive quizzes at the end that force you to remember concepts and vocabulary from the video
- Audio segments that likewise ask you questions during/afterwards to test your mastery of the material
Thanks for your consideration!