Doro, living near Spire (Speyer)

Originally, I come from a small farm in a village near Detmold in Lippe, North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1980 I moved to Germersheim, a small town on the Rhine in Palatinate, and began studying English and Spanish translation. I first felt like I was abroad, because here many people still speak a fairly strong dialect. After graduating, I soon started translating manuals into German for IBM, and I still do that today, more than 30 years later … Luckily my husband started a trade fair for special bikes ( in 1986, which now even attracts visitors and exhibitors from America, Asia and Australia. So every year in April there is some variety in my working life!
In 2021, I discovered Chatterbug and have had a lot of fun with the live lessons ever since. Besides English, I learned French and a little bit of Russian at school myself, and I was an au pair in Sweden for six months, so I understand a little Swedish. I’ve always had the feeling that I have to know the grammar very well in order to be able to learn a language. Now I’m not so sure about that anymore and I enjoy watching you progress very quickly with the interesting and funny dialogues, texts and pictures.
In my spare time I love to play all kinds of indoor games like Scrabble, Skyjo, Skat (a typical German card game) and Mensch ärger Dich nicht or outdoor games like Wikinger Schach and Boule.
In summer 2022 I took a break to teach German to Ukrainians in Germersheim and to translate non-fiction books. Since June 2023 I am back at Chatterbug, and enjoy the live hours with you! This year I will be on vacation from August 21 to August 31 2023.


Welcome to the Chatterbug Tutor Community Doro!

Klasse! :heart_eyes: Ps: ich wohne in der Nähe :laughing:

Hallo, Renata,
das ist ja nett. Wo genau wohnst Du denn?

1 Like

Thanks, Megan,
for your encouraging answer to my introduction. I have two questions concerning it, though:I don’t manage to find your detailed post concerning my introduction anymore. Is there a quick way to see already read replys to ones profile, especially those I have not yet answered? And the other question is: Somehow I don’t manage to embed an image into my introduction. I uploaded one but it’s not displayed but appears as a hyper link in my introduction instead.

Hi Doro, that message will be in your chat box on the main Chatterbug website or in your email. Regarding the image, I see that you have an image of a cat - is this what you mean?

ich wohne in Hockenheim

the lesson is always too short ! Thanks a lot Doro !

Sorry, Cecile, for cancelling this week’s Live Lesson. I went to see my sister and had forgotten to block the 29th. Looking forward to the next lesson with you!

No worries :wink: I missed our little chat but I booked another session for next week :relaxed:

Hallo Doro! Ich dachte, ich würde zur nächsten Übung gehen, aber die Lektion wurde geschlossen.

Hallo Amina,
ja, das war sehr schade. Bei mir erschien die Nachricht, du hättest die Sitzung beendet. ? Da muss etwas schief gegangen sein. Normalerweise wird nach einer Aktualisierung des Browsers noch eine weitere Übung angezeigt, auch wenn die Übungen eigentlich beendet wurden. Probier es in der nächsten Sitzung einfach noch einmal aus. Viel Glück!!!

Hallo Doro,
es sieht aus dass unserer Unterricht abgebrochen wurde. Ich musste mich heute meinen Sohn verabschieden. Entschuldigung dafür

Dear Doro; something went wrong and it looks like our lesson was dropped. I have booked another one for tomorrow. See you then. Have a good day! Best, Clarissa