When it comes to new words, the article may always be something that can cause discussion . For example, in Spanish, the article we use the most to talk about this new virus is “el”, due to the generalization that has come from other viruses such as “el zicka”, “el ébola”, etc. Although RAE (Real Academia Española) says that “la” it’s also valid because it’s related to the word disease that in Spanish is feminine: “la enfermedad” .
Here is the link if you would like to read the RAE’s answer in Spanish .
Furthermore, I find it interesting how the word mask has so many options in Spanish, and it all depends on the region you live in:
- Tapabocas
- Cubreboca (s)
- Mascarilla
- Nasobuco
- Barbijo
So many, I know . Still many people think <máscara> would be the correct word to use as it sounds very similar to the English word. But before COVID <máscara> was used more to mean a figure representing a human, animal, or an imaginary face, with which a person may cover his or her face .
What about you? Is there a similar issue in your native language?
¿Conoces otras palabras relacionadas con la pandemia?