Eneko from the Basque Country, Spain

Kaixo, Hola, Hallo, Hello, Salut!

I’m Eneko and i’m going to be here helping you to learn Spanish, making it fun and easy to introduce it into your daily life. :wink:

I am originally from a tiny village close to Bilbao, in the Basque Country (ever heard of the Guggenheim Museum? … right there!) It’s located at the mesmerising north coast of Spain, where the blue of the ocean and the intense green of the mountains meet.

Now I’m living in Berlin, Germany. But I’ve been around for some time in other places like Ireland or France, and enjoyed the local culture and language of Mexico, Poland, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Italy and Costa Rica, among others.

I began early in my life with languages… by the age of 7 I could speak Spanish, Basque and English and later I added German and French to it. Now I’m looking forward to getting confident with my Italian. And being able to speak and read Russian would be one of my dreams.

You’ll see me in front of the camera. That’s where I spend much of my time, as I am an actor. When not, I like to be outdoors, preferably in the water, surfing. Or playing guitar. Or cooking. Or eating. I also like to watch films and read under a blanket when outside is dark and cold.

I’ve discovered for me that the best way for learning a language is to speak it. ALOUD. Don’t matter if there is someone listening or not. So, as J-Lo said, let’s get loud!! :love_you_gesture: :laughing: :metal:


Ongi etorri, @eneko0163! Welcome to Streams! :grinning:


Hola, Eneko :happyllama: ¡Bienvenido! Nos alegra que vayas a ayudar a nuestros estudiantes con su español.


Bienvenue @eneko0163 ! What a beautiful region! Didn’t get the chance to watch Spanish Streams yet but will do soon!!

Hola Eneko!
I like to watch your streams, I learn a lot from them.


Hola Eneko, are you still a streamer in chatterbug or do you resign?