Book your final lesson with me. June 6th will be my last available date

Greetings to all my current students. It has been a pleasure to teach on the Chatterbug platform. I hope you have improved your English and that you will continue to grow. I am moving on to new experiences and my last day teaching on this platform will be June 6th. I hope to see you at one more lesson, but if not I wish each and every one of you all the best. Keep learning!


Hey there, nice to meet you and welcome to the Chatterbug community :blush:

Nice to meet you Lynn :slight_smile: good to have you here!

Thank you! Excited to start teaching online.

Thank you. Glad to be on this platform.

Welcome to the Chatterbug Tutor Community @LynnChat!

Thanks! Excited to teach here.

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Hy Lynn this is my first time I try my very best to survive the computer technic


You did great! It was a fun lesson. I hope to see you again.


Good Day LynnChat
i’m new here i am going to have an Live Lesson with you tomorrow at 12:15-13:00 Uhr i will enter the Live lesson ??

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Great! I will see you tomorrow :smiley:.

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excuse me how will i enter the Live Lesson

Hi @meshflash,

If you have a scheduled lesson coming up, you will see a link on your dashboard telling you when it is scheduled. Five minutes before the start of the lesson, you can join the session by clicking on Join Lesson. You can find more information on what to expect here.

Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy your lesson with Lynn!


Hallo Lynn, here is a note to the reader.
I will see you next week :grinning:

Thanks!! I will read it!

It was a very interesting and tragic article. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Lynn,
can we move our session 15 minutes today? Stuck in another lesson before and no way to reschedule on the platform unfortunately. Thank you,

Hi Lenka,

Yes, I’m available from 12:15-13:00. Can you cancel your current lesson from 12:00-12:45 and rebook from 12:15- 13:00? Lynn

If that doesn’t work for you, I can stay online until 12:15 and we will have a lesson for only 30 minutes. At least it won’t be a cancel for you.

But you will have to at least enter the lesson before 10 minutes is over, otherwise it will automatically cancel.