Es and está - What is the difference?

“Es” and “está” both mean “is”, so what is the difference?

You use “es” when something is permanent, for example:

  • Mi carro es rojo \ My car is red
  • Ella es azul \ She is blue

You use “está” when something can change, for example:

  • El hotel está cerrado \ The hotel is closed
  • La niña está triste \ The girl is sad

And that’s it! I hope this lesson was understandable and helped you :smile:


Thank you so much for the explanation! This is very helpful!


Thank you, @Detective_Weasel for this explanation :blush:.

Remember that sometimes there are other cases where the permanence does not apply, for example:

  • El cabello de Laura es negro. (Laura’s hair is black).
  • Son las 11:45. (It’s 11:45 am)
  • Carlos es joven. (Carlos is young)

This does not mean that she can’t change the colour of her hair, time is constantly changing and people are always aging :sweat_smile:. I know it can be confusing, so here is an article which explains the difference a little bit more in detail:

I hope it helps!

Have a nice week :happyllama:.


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