Glücksbringer ( lucky charm )

Happy new year everybody :wave: :partying_face:
In case you happened to be in Germany for new years eve ( Silvester ) and wondered why you got little knickknacks ( Kleinigkeiten ) they are meant to wish you good luck for the next year, e.g.:

das Glücksschwein :pig2:
der Glückspilz :mushroom:
der Glücksklee :four_leaf_clover:
der Glückskäfer :beetle:
der Glückspfennig :moneybag:

…and last but not least “der Schornsteinfeger” ( person who cleans chimneys ) is a sign for good luck :smiley:

These site explains it to:

Do you believe in lucky charms?..and if what’s your lucky charm?

A rainbow :rainbow: by the way is supposed to be also a sign for good luck

…Friday the 13th isn’t …so be careful tomorrow :wink:

@Florian1996 you might be interested in this