Guérir sans guerre

Bonjour à tous!

Earlier today I had a tutoring session with the amazing @Leocadie, and (as is so often the case) she organically introduced me to the verb guérir. I had not heard this word before, and it struck me as surprisingly close to guerre(*), which seems close to its opposite!

We briefly wondered if there was any connection between the two; after a quick Google search, it seems there are a number of plays on them in book titles and similar (“Guérir sans guerre”, “Guérir de la Guerre”, “Guérir la Guerre”, etc). I’m not sure if there’s a related root between these words, but I suppose I’m not alone in hearing a similarity!

There’s really no point to this post other than to share a tiny bit of love for the mysteries of the French language :hugs: Hope you enjoy.

(*) This word is used frequently at my house; my kids and I joke about our overly aggressive cat needing a nom de guerre


Salut @mgm ! Thanks for sharing, :blush: I learned a new French word today thanks to you :blush:. It is very interesting, at first it sounded to me like a verb that would mean to fight or to battle, but never to heal. Pd: what a cute cat :heart_eyes_cat:.


Quel beau chat, @mgm :heart_eyes_cat:!
It seems that guérir comes from an old word warjan meaning “to defend, to protect” which is one side of a war :face_with_monocle:. That’s interesting and makes me think of many other words of both families, like garnison (“garrison” in English) and guérison (“healing, recovery”).
You should write some poem about that @mgm :sweat_smile:!
Bon rétablissement et à bientôt!


Woah, garrison…I hadn’t thought of that! :exploding_head:

Merci pour les informations sur warjan!

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