Heidi - bilingual English and German teacher

Hi there!

My name is Heidi and I’m originally from the UK. I’m actually bilingual and am happy to say that both my English and German are accent free :wink:

As I moved to Germany a long time ago, it was easy to start my teaching career at an early age,
helping other pupils in school :wink: I then started teaching English regularly about 20 years ago (boy, I’m old), working with private students, language schools and also for companies as an in-house teacher. I started teaching German about 3 or 4 years ago. Teaching just comes naturally to me and that’s why I never actually worked in my ‘proper’ job as a graphic designer after studying.

Currently I only teach - online and in real life. During the day I mainly teach ESL (English as a second language) or DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) and my mornings and evenings are reserved for teaching Yoga and Pilates. I love the diversity of all my classes and helping people in so many different ways. I’ve been with chatterbug since the very beginning and have taught nearly 2500 classes with round about 500 different students.

Why should you take a class with me? I always have a smile on my face and am very patient. Obviously I can help with grammar but most importantly I think the fact that I am both a native English and German speaker helps me see little subtleties or nuances in words and phrases that non natives might not see. Thus helping you get the best out of your German (or English) lesson.

By the way - también hablo español y puedo ayudarte aprender alemán o ingles.

Talk to you soon,



Danke für den schönen Unterricht. Ich freue mich, dich kennengelernt zu haben. Ich hoffe, dass wir noch in der Zukunft bei Chatterbug treffen.


Vielen Dank :heart: mich hat es auch gefreut! Bis bald :blush:

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@Thomas_Haag @Toml @Gaaliche @annab I am really sorry but unfortunately I have had to cancel / reject our appointments next Friday due to family matters. I don’t like cancelling without letting my students know, so I thought I’d contact you here. I’ll be adding my availabilty for the following weeks later today, in case you want to book another appointment. Hope to see you soon, Heidi


Alles Gut Heidi
Danke fur die Nachricht

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Hallo @Heidi, leider muss ich unsere Stunde in letzter Minute absagen, weil ich Schmerzen im Nacken und Rücken habe und nicht auf einem Stuhl sitzen kann. Sorry für die Absage in letzter Minute, bis nächste Woche!
LG Viki

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Hi @Viki.Szalay Danke fürs Bescheid sagen! Gute Besserung und bis nächste Woche! LG Heidi

Hi @NikoKru

I am really ill today and won’t be able to attend our lesson. Sorry, Heidi

Hi @TriniShenzi

I am really ill today and won’t be able to attend our lesson. I’m so Sorry as it’s so short notice. Heidi

Hi heidi,
Thank you for this wonderful experience. Take care. nico

Hi @NicoKru
You’re very welcome!
All the best

Hi Heidi,

Unfortunately the chatterbug platform doesn’t work for me right now (The support told me it is a general issue) so I cannot join the class today.

See you next time,

Hi Tugba!

I had the same problem. Good to know that you also knew what was going on! I was worried it was only a problem for me and you’d think I just didn’t show up :wink:

Have a great weekend!

See you Monday :slight_smile: