How do you maximize your use of social media?

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share another language learning hack! In my last post, ‘How do you maximize your screen time?’ I talked about using different Google Chrome language extensions while you watch your favorite shows. This time I thought I’d talk about social media.
Coming into contact with any form of social media is basically inevitable, so why not use it for educational purposes during your free time?

I spend a lot of time on Instagram (my weekly screen time is unspeakable :weary:), instead of mindlessly scrolling through my feed, I decided to squeeze in some language learning profiles to test my skills and learn something new!

Here are some of my favorites!
:speak_no_evil:Psst… did you know Chatterbug has 3 Instagram accounts?

:de: Chatterbug auf Deutsch
:es: Chatterbug en Español
:de: :uk: Chillsblog
:es: :uk: Paula | Comfort Food
:uk: :us: English in General
:us: :uk: :es: :de: :fr: Chatterbug

Do you guys use Instagram to learn languages? What other social media platforms would you suggest?


That’s a great tip @JoAnn! I also consciously train my youtube algorithm so it suggests more foreign-language content. The more aware we are of our likes and subscriptions, the better!

On Insta I love Uyen’s stuff, she’s hilarious and on point when it comes to cultural differences!


Great advice @JoAnn ! :star_struck:
I follow a couple of German travel and language websites that often post new words or interesting facts. It definitely helps the learning process without even realizing it. :eyes:


It’s amazing to follow accounts and content in your learning language! I’ve started doing this, too, and also follow Uyen, @Toby. She’s amazing!

Some Instagram accounts I can recommend:

:de: @tagesschau - (Deutsche Nachrichten)
:de: @katapultmagazin (Interessante Infos, Graphiken und Karten)
:de: @ichbinsophiescholl (German history to go. Video-Tagebuch der Widerstandskämpferin Sophie Scholl im 2. Weltkrieg)

:uk: @katapultmaps (Fun with flags & maps!)
:uk: @the.language.nerds (language humor)

:de: :fr: :es: @loic.suberville (comedy)