Jam and cream, or cream and jam? That's the question!

Dearest Chatter-reader

Today we will be talking about quite a serious topic:

:heart_eyes: SCONES :blush:

What is a scone, you might ask? :see_no_evil:

A scone is the perfect Sunday afternoon tea time treat. :star_struck:
It is a little bit of heaven in your mouth. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It is the Yin to your cup of tea’s Yang. :yin_yang:
It is perfection! :coffee:

A scone can be described as a baked good made of flour, baking powder and other goodies. It is laid out on wax paper, glazed with egg wash, perfectly baked and ready to enjoy in minutes (usually around 15 minutes).

What makes this topic so serious is not necessarily the scone itself, but rather what goes on it. :crown:
Traditional condiments include clotted cream, lemon curd, jams and marmalade.

All good up to here, but what now?

What follows next is the very technical application of the condiments to your scone.
There are two optional techniques to follow:

  1. The Cornish method
    With this method, the scone is split in two, spread with strawberry jam and topped with a spoonful of clotted cream.

  2. The Devonian
    With this method, the scone is split in two, covered with clotted cream and strawberry jam is placed on top.

Please note that this is a very serious decision and not one to be taken lightly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Please also note that butter is never an element to be introduced to scones, as they are allergic, and you will be sent to scone jail. :police_car:

The topic of what comes first, the cream or the jam, is one debated by many.
At the end of the day, whether you choose to go with the Devonian or Cornish method, the truly wonderful experience of enjoying a scone at tea time is what makes life worth living for! :rainbow:


Oh my :drooling_face: this looks delicious!

You’re right @ChereeKr this is a very serious decision. I would say it is important to have many scones and to be able to try both techniques :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


I have never had either of the 2! Will definitely try to make those very soon!!!
Looks soo yummy


Ooooh I love scones especially when they come out of the oven (and it’s a very easy pastry to bake @Lari1108) :drooling_face: :yum:!
But… I have to confess here that I like to put a little bit of butter to make it melt slightly. I didn’t know that was sacrilege @ChereeKr ! :scream:
It’s true that when I ate them in tea rooms in England, they were never served with butter! Over there, I usually put jam on one half and cream on the other half but I can see from your post that I have disregarded all conventions haha!! :see_no_evil:


@27sp.sandra I couldn’t agree more! One should also try out the different techniques on scones both with and without raisins. :yum:

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@Lari1108 I would love to see how they turn out! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Amandine I absolutely love English tea rooms. I have been to a good couple of “high tea’s”! Any tea rooms that stood out or you would recommend? :star_struck:

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Uffff you made me wanna try this so bad @ChereeKr ! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

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They turned out awesomeeeeee!!!
Thank you @ChereeKr !!!

When i ran out of jam, i used Nutella which was equally amazing, hehe


My favourite in Edinburgh is called Clarinda’s Tea room a small place with a very “kitsch” decoration (lace tablecloth, old plates,…)! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Well done @Lari1108!! Looks yummyyyy :drooling_face:

Wow! Those look AMAZING @Lari1108! I’m so glad they came out perfectly!
On a side note, that is quite a photo. You should consider going into photography! “Foody photography”! :star_struck:

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@Amandine Let me just take a moment to book my flight because that place looks amazing! Wow!
I love a tea room that not only serves wonderful tea time treats but also have a bit of character and charm! :camera_flash: :yum:


I first encountered scones in Ireland and instantly fell in love :heart_eyes:

What I find (almost) as troubling a question as the jam&crem/cream&jam issue, is the pronunciation of the word scone. When I first heard about scones in Dublin, I assumed that it’s pronounced as (most) Dubliners do – rhyming with ‘bone’. Only later, while traveling around Ireland and the UK, I found out that there are differences and that you’d hear scone rhyming with ‘gone’ in other parts.

Reading @ChereeKr’s topic, I did some research on the pronunciation issue and came across this interesting map (which can be found at https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/cambridge-app-maps-decline-in-regional-diversity-of-english-dialects)

Also a nice article: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/apr/23/how-do-you-pronounce-scone-answer-says-a-lot-english-language-day-shakespeare-birthday


They look delicious!! :drooling_face:

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Oh my goodness @ameliea! What great information! :blush: I appreciate your dedication to this topic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The pronunciation of the word ‘scone’ is something I have also been faced with.
Scone - bone vs Scone - won

This map is super helpful and an interesting read. Thanks so much! :star_struck:

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Oh, thanks for this post @ChereeKr!
I discovered scones during a trip around Cornwall 10 years ago and I’ve loved them ever since! :heart_eyes: We were quite obsessed with them and had scones every day: for breakfast or for afternoon snacks. :yum: :coffee: I remember we put the clotted cream first and then the jam on top. I realise now, thanks to your post, that being in Cornwall and using the Devonian method was quite an offense ^^ people must have silently judged us :joy:


they were so good. and super easy to make!

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haha my husband said the same. hes like, oh this picture really turned out nicely, must have been a coincidence :roll_eyes:

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