Hi everyone,
Can you help me to better understand when to use jour & journée and an & année?
Hi everyone,
Can you help me to better understand when to use jour & journée and an & année?
Bonsoir @kjanina !
Good question! It is indeed one of those little things that the French do automatically but which are difficult to explain…!
In general, jour/soir/an are just units of time whereas words in -ée (la journée, la soirée, l’année) correspond to a duration :
J’ai passé la soirée chez Marie. (I spent the evening at Marie’s.)
Il a dormi toute la journée. (He slept all day.)
L’année dernière, je vivais en Espagne. (Last year, I lived in Spain.)
Buuuuut this article explains all the other subtleties…
Bonne soirée !
Hey! I just made a Stream about that!