Lia from Austria, living in Milan

Hey everyone, nice that your’re here! :hugs:

My name is Lia, I’m half austrian, half german and after some time living and studying in Milan, I recently moved back to Austria to start my masters program. I really enjoy getting to know people around the globe, experiencing different countries, languages and cultures - that’s why I’m here!

Beside my interest of languages and cultures, I’m also really passionate about baking. I just love to create all imaginable variations of cakes, pies and muffins and of course - taste them. So if you don’t find me strolling down the streets of Milan or Vienna you’ll probably find me in the kitchen. :birthday:

For all those who want to become familiar with not only the german language but also the austrian dialect - I’m looking forward to meet and chat with you while you’re learning a new language.

Hope to see you soon!
Love, Lia

In case that the lesson went by too fast and the 60 seconds flew by in no time but there is still an open question - please don’t hesitate to write a comment with your question below. I’ll try to answer as quick as possible. :blush:


You are welcome at Chatterbug @Lia12! Enjoy your first live lessons with our students.

Please share your favorite recipe with us! Maybe we can try to bake it as well :wink:


Welcome, Lia! Could you share a picture of one of your baking creations with us? It would be great to see a baking video too! :yum:


Hi Lia, sorry I got cut off when I hit finish the lesson and we still had 3 minutes left :frowning:
Looking forward to doing more lessons with you this month!


Hey Andrea :blush: I was already wondering, but don’t worry. I hope you’re having an amazing time in Amsterdam, enjoy! See you soon, Lia

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Hey @erikswanson ! As promised I’m sending you the link with further information about the plural endings:
Hab einen schönen Donnerstag! :blush:


Na @Lia12!

Es tut mir leid, dass ich unsere Stunde verpasst habe. :man_facepalming: Ich besuche meine Familie und Freunde in England. I didn’t realise I had to change the Chatterbug time zone, I thought it was automatic. I really enjoyed our first lesson and was looking forward to our second. Mi dispiace.

Bis zum nächsten mal

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Hey @AlanD :slight_smile:

Nessun problema! Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit bei deiner Familie in England und freue mich auf unsere gemeinsame Stunde nächste Woche. :hugs:

Bis bald,

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Hey @Lia12,

Vielen Dank für die tolle Lektion! Was machst du dieses Wochenende?

Später am Tag habe ich eine Italienischstunde, aber dann ‘hoch die hande, Wochenende!’

Buon fine settimana. Bis zum nächstes mal :slight_smile:


Hey @AlanD
das hört sich klasse an, viel Spaß bei der Italienisch Stunde! Ich werde mich dieses Wochenende meiner Thesis widmen. :roll_eyes:

Buon fine settimana anche a te. A presto :blush:

Hallo @Lia12, du hast in deinem Kalender keine Verfügbarkeit für Montag, den 13. Dezember, aber ich muss bis zum 14. Dezember Unterrichtspunkte aufbrauchen oder verlieren. Ich reise von 14-16 Uhr. Jederzeit am Montag den 13. kann für mich arbeiten.

Hey :slight_smile:
ich habe für dich eine Stunde am Montag, den 13. von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr freigeschalten. Kannst du es sehen?

Liebe Grüße,

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Hey @samballantyne :slight_smile:
If you got any questions or if you need some tips for your trip to Austria, don’t hesitate to contact me! Hope you’re having a nice time! :relaxed:

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Hello @Lia12! I just lost temporarily my internet connection and when it came back you couldn’t hear me anymore. After that the call ended and I was not able to connect again. Now the live session shows as terminated.

Hi Lia. Alles gut? Do you plan to schedule any more lessons next week (commencing 17 Oct) ? I only ask as I have one credit left that needs to be used in 4 days and I got to Belgium for a few days tomorrow :slight_smile:
MFG, Alan

hey alan👋🏼
I’d be happy to unlock an hour for you next Wednesday morning. Would that be okay for you?
best, lia

Na. Fantastisch, danke. Nächste mittwoch klingt gut :slight_smile:

Hi Lia. It looks like I’ve book this Wednesday today instead of next :grimacing: . I won’t be able to make it, I’ll be travelling. Really sorry, I was rushing. I’d love it if you could cancel so I don’t lose credit. No problem if not though, it’s my own fault. Have a great rest of the week and weekend. LG, Alan

Lia, Hast du immer noch zeit heute um halb acht? Ich habe von dir die Nachricht behalten und hatte geantwortet. Sag mir Bescheid, ob wir treffen können.

Lia, diese Woche kann ich mich am Dienstag und Donnerstag nach 17 Uhr EST oder am Mittwoch oder Freitag ab 7 Uhr EST (13 Uhr Ihrer Zeit) treffen. Lasst dich mich wissen, wann es für dich passt.
