Listening to Radio Online


I would like to share with you this website that I found:
There you can listen to the radio stations with the largest audience in Spain. It’s free and easy to access and you can stay up to date with the latest news, most listened songs. You’ll be able to listen to different accents from Spain and sometimes other accents from different Spanish speaking countries. There’s even a station where they speak Catalan, if you feel like listening to some Catalan!

¡Espero que os ayude! :slight_smile:


Honestly, I forgot the name of this app. But there is an app where you can listen to different radio stations from different countries. That helped me to get used to the Ecuadorian dialect. You can also choose to listen to radio stations from Mexico, Spain, Argentina or any other country. It’s really a good help. And I’ll give you the name of this app ASAP!


TuneIn Radio, perhaps?

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Thanks a lot, @PauloA!