I know this topic can be confusing sometimes, but I hope this image and examples can help you.
Llevar→ “to take” This indicates a movement to a place where you are NOT at the moment.
It can also be used to mean that you are taking something with you.
Traer → “to bring” This means that you already did a movement and brought something to a place where you are at the moment.
But you’re not always at the places you are talking about. When you’re not physically present in the scene, then you could say:
- If you hypothetically place yourself at the point of origin, you will use the verb “llevar.”
Cuando visite a mis padres
le llevaré flores
a mi madre.
Point of origin A: florist→ point B: parent’s house
When I visit my parents, I will bring flowers to my mother.
- If you hypothetically place yourself at the arrival point, you will use the verb “traer.”
Lina siempre trae fruta
a la Universidad
para la merienda.
Point of origin A: Lina’s house → point B: University
Lina always brings fruit to the University for snack.
Remember, you always need to consider the point of origin or the
arrival point, and whether you’re there physically
or hypothetically
There is also a stream called ¿llevar o traer? which can be very useful and it has some quizzes too, so you practice what you just read .
Si tienen preguntas, no duden en escribirlas .