Llevar vs. traer

I know this topic can be confusing sometimes, but I hope this image and examples can help you.

Llevar→ “to take” This indicates a movement to a place where you are NOT at the moment.

It can also be used to mean that you are taking something with you.

Traer → “to bring” This means that you already did a movement and brought something to a place where you are at the moment.

But you’re not always at the places you are talking about. When you’re not physically present in the scene, then you could say:

  1. If you hypothetically place yourself at the point of origin, you will use the verb “llevar.”

Cuando visite a mis padres :older_woman: :older_man: le llevaré flores :bouquet:a mi madre.
Point of origin A: florist→ point B: parent’s house


When I visit my parents, I will bring flowers to my mother.

  1. If you hypothetically place yourself at the arrival point, you will use the verb “traer.”

Lina siempre trae fruta :apple: :grapes: a la Universidad :books: para la merienda.
Point of origin A: Lina’s house → point B: University


Lina always brings fruit to the University for snack.

Remember, you always need to consider the :triangular_flag_on_post: point of origin or the :checkered_flag: arrival point, and whether you’re there physically :man_standing: or hypothetically :thought_balloon:.

There is also a stream called ¿llevar o traer? which can be very useful and it has some quizzes too, so you practice what you just read :hugs:.

Si tienen preguntas, no duden en escribirlas :blush:.


Super useful @27sp.sandra , thank you very much for this nice post :grinning: !

I keep confusing these verbs - I think that’s a distinction that has no exact equivalent in French, leading me to have a hard time understanding it :bulb:.

Thank you for the clear explanation !


Pleasure, @Leocadie :blush:!

I’m sure with practice and time it will get better. Still, any doubts you may have, you know where to ask :hugs:.

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Thank you very much @27sp.sandra, for the great explanation! I struggle very often with the use of these 2 verbs in Spanish…(still after all these years :scream_cat:) will have a look at the stream too :smiley_cat:

have a great weekend :raising_hand_woman:t2:


No hay de qué, @Bettina2 :blush:. I can understand it can be always confusing, even more when one places itself hypothetically in one place :see_no_evil:.

Ten un buen finde :hoverllama:!

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Great idea, Bettina. In the streams, you can practice what Sandra explained in this post!

Llevar vs traer

Here some help in English :uk: :es:

llevar oder traer?

Was ist der Unterschied? Hier gibt es Hilfe auf Deutsch :de: :es: