Marie from France, living in Brussels

Hi there!

I am Marie, originally from France but living in Brussels at the moment. :fries:
I grew up in the south of France, the Provence, and sometimes I really wonder why I left :yum: : the nature is gorgeous and the weather always good :sunny:

I did a university exchange in Australia, travelled a lot in Asia, Africa, and fell in love with Berlin, where I lived during four years!
Now I am in Brussels, I moved here to study theater and I am in my second year of master degree.

Theater is my passion :dancer:, I go to the theater several times a week, I love to play and to do everything around the stage. I also work as a freelancer for the French-German Youth Office as a linguistic and intercultural trainer. I accompany young people in intercultural programs, meetings, helping them to get along with communication, personal development and intercultural situations.

During my free time Iove to travel with my van :minibus:, go hiking and climbing :mountain_snow:. I also sing and play the harp!

I really enjoy helping people to learn French, listening, advising and offering a stimulating environment. Learning foreign languages went from extremely borring in school classes, to the most exciting challenge when I was immersed.
I am really happy to be part of the Chatterbug community, share and discover other realities !

See you !



Bienvenue à Chatterbug, @MarieDelpit :smiley: !

Brussels is so nice :star_struck: !
I’ve been there once and I loved it. One of the reasons was : almost everyone there speaks several languages!

Do you have a favorite theater author?

We are there if you have any question :slightly_smiling_face:.

Have fun tutoring :smiley: :tada: !


Bienvenue @MarieDelpit ! :wave:
Beaucoup d’exercices permettent d’incarner des personnages, ça va te plaire ! :performing_arts:


Welcome to Chatterbug, Marie! We’re super excited to have you join our brilliant team of French tutors :heart_eyes:


@MarieDelpit que de belles aventures :heart_eyes: :star_struck: !!!
Je partage avec toi les origines provençales et l’escalade :wink:

Bienvenue dans la communauté de Chatterbug !!!
Je suis sûr que tu t’y feras grand plaisir et que les étudiant‧es bénéficieront avec beaucoup de joie de la richesse de tant d’expériences de vie ! :star_struck: