Mark from Australia

Hi everyone
I’m Mark and I come from Australia :australia:, but I now live in the UK :uk:. I live in the beautiful seaside city of Brighton. I grew up in Melbourne and visited London in 1996 for a holiday. I never went home!
I’ve been trying to learn languages for a long time. I started learning German 13 years ago, and Spanish 10 years ago but didn’t learn very much until I started using Chatterbug.
I loved Chatterburg :catbee: so much that I decided to be a tutor :bear_happy:, to help other people on their language learning journey. I love being able to chat with people all over the world :world_map:.
In my life I have travelled a lot of the world :desert_island:, and everywhere I travelled I would spend months learning the language before I went.
I spent three months learning Spanish before travelling to Colombia in 2009 :airplane:, and I kept going by learning a little bit of Greek :greece: , French :fr: , Bulgarian :bulgaria: , Khmer :cambodia: , and I even learnt Bahasa Indonesia :indonesia: when I was at school.
I am a teacher in a school, and teach Digital Media :movie_camera: , Science :test_tube: and also Business Studies :business_suit_levitating: . I am a senior manager, so I also manage our Careers Programme, our 6th form (in the UK that’s the older students aged 16-19), and all the IT systems :desktop_computer:.
I love bike riding :bike:, and there is lots of beautiful countryside near Brighton where I can spend hours with my friends riding (and drinking coffee :coffee:)
I love music :guitar:, and learning a language has been a great way to find out about music from around the world. I love finding out about the newest bands and Brighton is a great city for seeing “The Next Big Thing” in a small venue.
I completely love learning languages :speaking_head: and I understand the stress and difficulties of trying to learn a new language, particularly having the confidence to speak. The Chatterbug :happyllama: live lessons are a great place to build confidence speaking and being able to make mistakes and get better and better each time. I know how hard it is to go from learning some grammar and vocabulary to being able to speak, so the lessons with me are always supportive and a safe place to learn at your own speed.
I have been teaching for over 20 years, so hopefully I know what I’m doing!


Welcome to the Chatterbug Tutor Community @MarkyM! We are happy to have you onboard :slight_smile: .

Thanks. It’s great to be here. Can’t wait to start working with all those Chatterbugs wanting to learn English out there