Hallo dear Chatterbug community,
My name is Melanie and I guess I am one of the older tutors. I’m now 50+ ( born 1968 ) and I am part of Chatterbug since spring 2019.
I am a born German ( Wolfsburg/Niedersachsen = Hochdeutsch) and I live in Berlin since 2001.
I truly enjoy tutoring and meeting people from all over the world. Due to a chronic illness ( MS ) I am on early retirement since I am 40 and use a wheelchair to get around. No worries, I don’t harm pedestrians
Being on Chatterbug reminds me my former job. I used to work as a technical assistance in research and had to communicate with students and scientists from all over the world.
I’m glad I got the opportunity again here on Chatterbug.
Furthermore my husband is American. Even though his German is fluent and he speaks without accent he still makes mistakes. So I’m used to the mistakes at least English speakers do with the german language.
What else? I started attending an art class once a week 2-3 years ago ( update 2022, no art class no more ) and I rediscovered crocheting for me…see my hat and the “catpads”
and yes we have two cats
…now 3
Any further questions?..feel free to ask
All the best from Berlin or “Tschüssi” how they say here
pic from my latest crocheting project:
…if you want to do it yourself:
linoleum print
Sam ( our Sam died

Mira …the grumpy one

Me without make up

Mela, our new family member arrived in 2022