My favorite podcast of all times for learning Spanish

My favorite podcast of all times and by the way a great podcast for learning Spanish: Radio Ambulante :radio: :fire: :heart:

A great team of journalists tell unique stories in all the different dialects spoken all over Latin America So its also great way of getting to know these dialects, the different countries and cultures and of course for training your listening comprehension :bulb: :earth_americas:

They offer also a great feature for intermediate Spanish learners: Lupa, a mobile app for Radio Ambulante listeners aimed to help Spanish learners to become more fluent. :nerd_face:

And if you are more into news podcasts :newspaper: El hilo is a new narrative podcast from Radio Ambulante, covering the most important news from Latin America and the world.


Thanks for this great suggestion @Charlotte_K.
Listening to ecuadorian radio stations before moving to the country helped me a lot to get used to the local dialect.

Do you also listen to music or other radio stadions?


¡Súper! Muchas gracias @Charlotte_K :relaxed:. Nada como escuchar historias que atrapen y pues escuchar noticias en español siempre es un buen ejercicio también.

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¡Qué bueno! Desde hace aproximadamente un año escucho regularmente este otro podcast, con episodios de aproximadamente 45 minutos. Consiste en entrevistas a emprendedores y personalidades, principalmente de España. Por si alguien quiere practicar el acento castellano. ¡Un saludo!

Charlando con Zubi