Hola queridos !
For me, Spanish is the most romantic and poetic language ever. Not only because of the way it sounds, but also because of the richness of its lexical field when it comes to emotions and feelings.
So today I felt like sharing a poem with you, which I find specially beautiful und funny at the same time. It is from Oliverio Girondo, an Argentinian poet from this past century. To me, he was a real genius!
" me importa un pito que las mujeres
tengan los senos como magnolias o como pasas de higo;
un cutis de durazno o de papel de lija.
le doy una importancia igual a cero,
al hecho de que amanezcan con un aliento afrodisĂaco
o con un aliento insecticida.
Soy perfectamente capaz de soportarles
una nariz que sacarĂa el primer premio
en una exposiciĂłn de zanahorias;
¡pero eso sĂ! -y en esto soy irreductible
no les perdono, bajo ningĂşn pretexto, que no sepan volar. "
Translation :
"I don’t care at all if women
have breasts like magnolias or dried raisins
a skin like peach or sandpaper
I give zero importance,
to the fact that they wake up with an aphrodisiac breath
or with an insecticidal one.
I am perfectly capable of accepting
a nose that would win the first prize
in an exhibition of carrots;
But yes! -and in this I am irreducible
I can not forgive, under any pretext, if they cannot fly."
I’m sure some of you love poetry as well, let’s share nuestros favoritos !