My headset does not work in the Chatterbug platform


I’m using JabraEvolve2 85 and my browser is Chrome.
Before a live session begins, the Chatterbug platform checks whether my headset works properly.
Every time it checks, it says my headset is okay. However, once a live session starts, I hear everything what my tutors say but my tutors don’t hear anything from me. So far I had 4 live sessions, and I had this experience during the 4 live sessions.

Here are things what I’ve tried with my tutors.

  1. sound setting check of my laptop - connected to my headset
  2. refresh Chrome browser
  3. checking whether my headset is allowed to be connected to the Chrome browser - connected.

So what is the problem?
How can we solve it?

Hi @KorIT,

Thanks for reaching out on the forum. Have you tried taking a lesson without your headset? It sounds like the hardware is possibly interfering with our software. Please remove your headset, check your computer’s sound settings again, and then restart it prior to your next lesson.

This post contains lots of tips for solving connection issues.

Also, the best way to get technical support is to write to the team directly by using the yellow chat box at the bottom right of your screen. If your tutor can’t hear you when you connect without a headset, please get in touch again.

Fingers crossed it works, though!

With best wishes,

Sam :slight_smile: