In preparation of a live lesson I was confronted with the words “niemand” and “keiner”. As a native speaker I wasn’t really sure about the difference between these two. I actually didn’t even know there was a difference
So here are some “rules” when to say which word, even though you can actually say both in, I think, almost every sentence (please tell me if I’m wrong).
“Niemand” is the negotiation of Jemand -> Ist jemand hier? - Nein, hier ist niemand.
“Keine/r” is the negotiation of ein/e -> Ist ein Arzt hier? - Nein, hier ist keiner.
“Niemand” is only used when it comes to people, but “keine/r” can also be used for things or animals
For example:
Kein Hund ist so süß wie meiner! (there’s no dog cuter than mine!)
ich habe noch keinem was davon erzählt (I didn’t tell anyone about this)
ich habe noch keinen Termin (I don’t have an appointment yet)
ich sehe hier keine Kinder ( I don’t see any children here)
ich kenne niemanden der so witzig ist (I don’t know anyone who is this funny)
ich habe noch niemandem was davon erzählt (I didn’t tell anyone about this)
“Niemand” can only stand alone in a sentence" - Niemand kann bestreiten… - No one can deny…
“Keine/r” is usually used with another word: Hier sind keine Kinder erlaubt… Children aren’t allowed here…
So the only significant difference is, that “niemand” can only be used when you’re talking about people (in general).
“keine/r” is used when you’re talking about things, animals or specific people (like doctors, men, women, divers…)
Hope it helps to clarify some things.