Our first Chatternacht in Hamburg - January 15th

For the new year, we add a new city for our Chatternacht - Hamburg!
If you live in Hamburg and wish to do some fun learning activities with other expats, then join us for our first Chatternacht at Wartenau 16 on January 15th at 7:00 PM.

Expats in Hamburg who are learning German (All levels welcome!!!)

An Alternative German Language Learning night

  • Alternative activities in German - we make learning German fun.
  • Lots of conversations with other German learners
  • Free beers and soft drinks!
  • Referral codes for 25% off your first month on Chatterbug
  • Meet other expats in Hamburg

Wartenau 16 - Haus für Kunst, Medien, Design & Theater
The entrance of the art space at Wartenau 16 is located at the side street called Hagenau. When you come from Wartenau turn left after the first building. There you find the entrance to the art space of Wartenau 16.

January 15th at 7 PM

Bring your friends, your shining personalities, and your mouths ready to speak German!
Wir freuen uns auf Euch! Bis bald!

Mascha & the Chatterbug Team

P.S.: You can find the meetup event here: https://www.meetup.com/Hamburg-German-Language-Meetup-Group/events/267084488/


Ich wünschte, ich könnte bei der :one:ten ChatterNacht :catbee::stars: in Hamburg :anchor:dabei sein. Aber nächstes Mal muss es einfach klappen :pray: :star_struck: :crossed_fingers:. Wünsche euch allen in dieser Nacht viel Vergnügen :heart_eyes: :partying_face::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Danke @Mona_O! Bis nächstes mal!!

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@Mona_O, kein Thema! Bis zum nächsten Mal! Ich freu mich. Ich werde hier und in unserer Meetup Gruppe posten, sobald das nächste Event stattfindet.


Dann heißt es für mich die Löffel spitzen :rabbit: und warten :heart_eyes: