Previous plan live lesson disappeared

I had a Lite plan and I scheduled my 1 Live Lesson before the plan ran out. But I also switched to Casual plan on the same day and I see that my Live Lesson was credited to the Casual plan instead of Lite. I was expecting to have 1 lesson on Lite + 4 on Casual for the next month, but now I see 3 Live Lesson left.

Hi @Hemulen!

Thanks for your message. When you upgrade your plan it goes into effect immediately so you can start taking extra lessons straight away. The first month of your new tarif is then prorated, depending on how far you’d got into your current month (ie the first month is usually a bit cheaper), and your new credit balance is immediately live. This post explains it all in more detail. I hope that helps and enjoy your lessons!

With best wishes,

Sam :slight_smile:

I understand the idea, but it doesn’t seem fair at all that I get the prorated amount of 74 cents and I actually lost a whole live class because of it. There was no notification about this either, otherwise I wouldn’t upgrade at this time. I have received this information already post my payment.

it is also misleading since I see credited 1 lesson + 4 lessons in the transactions, 1 lesson used and 3 left.

Hi @Hemulen,

Thanks for the screenshot. We prorate the new plan because the subscriptions run on a monthly (time) basis, which includes access to all the self-study materials, etc on the platform. Most learners will have used their credits up by the end of their billing period.

It’s no big deal, though, I’ll just add a new credit to your balance. Please note that the best way to reach our team is via the yellow chat box at the bottom right of your Chatterbug account screen.

Enjoy your lessons!

All the best,
