Hi everbody,
how does this season makes you feel? I always feel a bit “schwermütig” ( melancholic, sad, gloomy ).
I searched for a German song describing that feeling and found “Königin Schwermut” ( Queen sadness, melancholia ) by Mark Forster:
Vokabeln und Formulierungen ( * colloquial = umgangssprachlich )
- ( der ) Aufschub ( procrastination )
- nix * ( nichts ) vorhaben ( have no plans )
- saugt mich aus * ( sucks me dry )
- macht mich platt* ( exhausts me )
- hält mich wach ( keeps me awake )
- Geheimversteck ( secret hideaway )
@aladdi1n maybe you like this post?..and @misys.k this is what I was talking about on Saturday
My all time favorite English song for the season is of course " The last good day of the year" by Cousteau:
…and which songs do you like?