Spring Flower Names and Pictures

April showers :open_umbrella: :sun_behind_rain_cloud: bring May flowers :tulip: :blossom:

Do you know this saying?

Let’s share spring flowers and their name in English!

I’ll start, in this picture you can see :tulip: tulips :tulip:


Oh what a great topic Janina!! :blossom:
What would be spring without daffodils?!

I love daffodils and this poem by William Wordsworth :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::

“I wandered lonely as a cloud :cloud:
That floats on high over vales and hills :mountain:,
When all at once I saw a crowd :eyes:,
A host, of golden daffodils :blossom:;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees :deciduous_tree:,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. :wind_face:


I didn’t know that @Janina nice :smiley: and I also didn’t know this nice poem @Amandine :star_struck:

My example would be in German and I remember it from my childhood. As soon as we were able to write, we would write short “poems” in each others “Poesiealbum” ( friendship book ).

A common one was:
alle Blumen welken,
nur die eine nicht,
und sie heißt Vergißmeinnicht.

Autor: unbekannt

…I wonder if this tradition still exists in Germany and if it did / does exist in other countries?