Stephan from Germany, living in the Andes of Ecuador

Due to a bad internet connection and restrictions due to Covid here in Ecuador I decided to pause tutoring for the moment. That was no easy decision, but a necessary one. As soon as the problems are solved, I’ll start again with all the joy and attention you dear students know from my more than 2300 live lessons until now.


So sorry to hear, with us here in SA I am always worried about electricity, but so far so good. Enjoy your break and hope you will be back in no time.

Hey dear students!
After my connection problem has been solved, I’ll be there for you again. It took a long time and a lot of patience, as always here in South America, but at the end it was fixed.


:sunglasses: Wow cool @SKrausser. Congratulations :clap:

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Hall, Stephan! I am Yumi (Choe ist mein Nachname) who is going to have a Live lesson with on Jan 1, at 16:15. What a day to study language course. But listening to your video clip made me laughing so often. You seemed to be definitely relaxed and humorous person.
I have been in S. America some years ago and I got incredibly impressed by the people how they are relaxed. I am curious, excited and expecting your teaching technique. Yes, I don’t need a grammar because I am not studying for an exam. I just want to speak fluently as my English in order to keep on my social network and manage some administrative work happening every other day. I am retired last year. And eventually ready to learn German seriously as I have been all the time speaking English here in Germany for a long long long time. The rest we will talk about during the lesson. Have a nice Christmas and let’s meet in 2021. Cheers, Yumi

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Great, Yumi. I’m happy to see you soon!

My new top three interruptions of Live Lessons:

  • earthquake
  • fire next to my home aaaaand (since yesterday on the list):
  • lightning stroke in a nearby field :joy: :see_no_evil: (Sorry @KarenRRS, that was just too weird to be true jajajaja)

@kgeisl1 Hier was zum Lachen und Nachdenken!

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Hallo Stephan
Heute ist meine erste Live Session in Chatterbug und Ich weiß noch nicht wie werden uns die Unterricht haben. Per Skype?


Super, dass du es doch noch gefunden hast @cclemens.
Ich hoffe, die Live Lesson hat dir Spaß gemacht und wir sehen uns bald wieder!


Between July and October, I’ll be in Germany, visiting my family and dear friends. That means, my usual schedule will change. I hope to see and tutor students I wasn’t able to see before due to the six or seven hours time difference to Germany.


How cool @SKrausser!! Espero disfrutes mucho el tiempo con tu familia y amigos :blush:.

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Is it good or bad that I already had 1000 different students with Chatterbug? :thinking: :partying_face:
Anyway, it’s a great number!


Wow, I think it’s great @SKrausser . Congratulations :clap: :smiley:

@SKrausser Sorry I didn’t know how to reach you, so posting here. Should I cancel the next live session with you because our connection seems to be cutting off even with good internet?


Well, we tried it. If the problem is on my side, I apologize for it. Seems that here in Germany, the connection is far worse than in Ecuador :scream:

Hello! Great lesson, very positive person!
Sorry, I accidentally ended lesson few minutes before the end, and I can not find how to write apologies in direct messages! Thank you for the lesson, and hope I’ll see you again!

I thought that something like that happened :wink:
No worries, have a nice day and see you soon again!

By the way, here you can see how to change the unit:

Hey, dear students.
In those last weeks I suffered from bad internet connection while I was staying in various parts of Germany and that affected the Live Lessons with me (and also my mood :woozy_face:, I recognize that and apologize).

Now, here’s the good news: Starting next week, I’ll be back in my beloved Ecuador :heart_eyes:, where the internet connection is indeed far better than here in Germany :hugs: :muscle:

So, I’m looking forward to seeing you in my (more or less) standard schedule:

  • Monday and Tuesday, 2 pm - 11 pm or 12 am German time
  • Wednesday, 7 pm - 9 pm
  • Thursday and Friday, 7 pm - 11 pm or 12 am
  • Saturday and Sunday, 8 pm - 11 pm
    (There might be some exceptions due to my voluntary work, but in general I’ll be available in those times.)

See you soon / bis bald / hasta pronto / ñallacama :sweat_smile:


Dear students: Seems that I’m only posting bad news :rofl: :face_with_thermometer:

Power shortages in Ecuador are back after a massive drought of several months. This means that I had to cancel many LLs this week, because we were informed about the schedule of the shortages just an hour or so ago. :pleading_face:

But there are good news! I decided to work at night. So what about a 2am-Live Lesson? :crazy_face: Just don’t ask about my coffee consume in those days. My wife has already approved up to four cups :sweat_smile:

Saludos, viele Grüße :innocent: