Trinity from 🇺🇸 living in 🇩🇪

:us: Vacation :partying_face:
Dear Students, I will be in the US from 16 March until 13 April My normal tutoring hours will resume on 14 April. :blush:

:de: Urlaub :partying_face:
Liebe Freunde, ich werde vom 16 März bis 13. April in den USA sein. Meine normalen Live-Lesson-Stunden werden am 14. April wieder aufgenommen. :blush:

:us: Hey friends! :de: Hallo Freunde!

My name is Trinity and I’m a 26-year-old from the US currently living in southern Germany! I lived in Ulm for the last 6 years, but I’m excited to start a new journey in Heidelberg with my husband! My family moved all over the world when I was a kid, so traveling and experiencing new cultures is the norm for me as well as one of my greatest passions! :wink: :airplane:

I originally moved to Germany in September 2017 for a year abroad through my International Computer Science program :computer: When the year was finished, I decided that I loved Germany and made every effort to stay! Nearly six years later and I’m just as in love with the country and the language as I was back then. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Instead of pursuing CompSci, I’ve actually spent the past few years with a packed schedule teaching kids as a Children’s Pastor. When I started, I didn’t trust myself at all to teach in German. I wrote everything out and often read from my phone. But with time and perseverance, I was finally able to be comfortable preparing and teaching entire lessons without relying on notes! It’s because of this experience that I deeply understand the anxiety that comes with learning a new language. :blush:

When I started learning German outside of the classroom a few years ago, I was so excited to find Chatterbug. The whole experience was so helpful and fun that I promised myself I would apply to tutor when my life allowed for it! :crossed_fingers:t4: I’m taking a break from teaching kids for a bit, but I hope to bring my experience in building relationships and having fun with me to this platform! :partying_face:

I believe fun is crucial part of life and learning, so if you’re looking to have a fun time learning English, I’m here for you!

Hope you to see you in a Live Lesson :grin:


P.S. Beyond teaching and computer science, I also love writing/reading fiction :writing_hand:t4:, swimming :swimming_woman:t4:, playing games :game_die:, music :musical_note:, and, of course, traveling! :train2: :airplane: :sailboat:


What a nice intro, @MissMartell :star_struck: !

I totally agree with you that fun plays an essential in learning and overcoming anxiety when having to talk in a new language :grinning: !

Is there anything specific that made you fall in love with Germany :de: ?

Have fun tutoring and feel free to reach out if you have any question :partying_face: !

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Hey @Leocadie :partying_face: Thanks so much for the reply!

Yes, exactly! It wasn’t until I could really have fun that I was able to really break out of the anxiety I had when I tried to speak German - it makes all the difference :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think I borrowed a lot of the good feelings I got from coming to Germany in high school. We used to come for conferences and I always had an amazing time! (I was also super jealous of the American kids who could speak German! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). But even more than that, I loved the city I landed in (Ulm), the beautiful nature, and the German culture!

I’m super thankful for the opportunity to get to know even more cultures through Chatterbug now, too! Big thanks to all of you :heart_eyes:

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Hi Trinity,

What a great profile! We’re really excited to have you on the team - enjoy tutoring :wink:


Hey Sam!

Thank you so much! It’s already been such a wonderful experience and I’m so thankful to be part of the team!!

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@Amandine I am so sorry, but I had to cancel our Lesson for this afternoon due to being sick and needing to go to the doctor. Unfortunately, the only open appointment for today was during our scheduled session. I’d still love to have a Lesson with you, so if you would like to re-schedule with me, please take a look at my open hours this week :blush:

P.S. If this isn’t the actual community account for @Amandine-EN, please disregard :see_no_evil:

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Yes, it’s my student account! :wink: Thank you for your message and no worries, another tutor has already grabbed the lesson. Good luck with your appointment, I hope you feel better soon! :slight_smile: :muscle:

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I thought so! Thank you so much for understanding - I’m so glad you’re lesson got snatched up! The appointment went well, thankfully :blush: I hope you have a wonderful day!

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@cristinaweih I wrote my professor and asked about the musical experience that I mentioned yesterday :blush: Unfortunately, there is no recording of the performance that my school did, but I found a version of the composition, “In C” by Terry Riley. It was performed in Mali for the composition’s 50th birthday! I’ll write down the link and I hope you enjoy!

Terry Riley’s In C Mali – Live at Tate Modern | Tate (

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Hi Trinity, thank you so much!!! I have watched it and saved it on YT. Great sound!!! and difficult to keep the pace and to focus on the own rythm, but great outcome!!! I appreciate you remembered to send it to me. I wish you a Happy New Year!!!Cheers!

@She-darya and @luzmamh Hey, ladies! I’m sorry, but I’ve had to cancel our lessons tomorrow due to travel issues. I was supposed to fly back to Germany this evening, but a storm hit and I’ll have to fly tomorrow.

I’m so sorry for the short-notice cancelation and I hope someone else will pick up the lesson! I look forward to seeing you both in future lessons :pray:t4:

No problem Trinity. Have a nice Flight back! :hugs:
Luz Marina

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Thank you for understanding! I made it back safely last night, thankfully! :blush:

Have a wonderful week!

@Robert-J Hey! I’m so sorry I had to cancel our lesson yesterday. I had an appointment at that time and I forgot to change my schedule. I look forward, however, to our next lesson together!

@Lutzsaupe Hey! Es tut mir so leid, dass ich meinen Zeitplan für den 2. September ändern musste, um Zeit für einen Arzttermin zu schaffen. Hoffentlich findest du einen guten Zeitpunkt für ein neues Lesson!

@Lawrinson Hey! I’m so sorry, I had to change my schedule for 2 September to make room for a doctor’s appointment. Hopefully you can find a good time for a new Lesson!

@Lutzsaupe Lutz, es tut mir so leid, dass ich unsere Live Lesson heute Nachmittag verpasst habe. Ich bin mit einer starken Migräne aufgewacht und habe völlig vergessen, die Live- Lesson im Voraus abzusagen. Dafür gibt es jedoch keine Entschuldigung. Es tut mir sehr leid, dass du heute Nachmittag wegen mir deine Zeit verloren hast, aber ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auf unsere nächste Lesson.

Ich bitte um Entschuldigung und grüße Dich

Hallo Trinity,
kein Problem, bis Mittwoch!
schönen Sonntag, LG Lutz

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Hi dear Trinity, I missed our introductory class today and wanted to apologize. An important meeting took too long and then my computer’s sound crashed. By the time I got online it was too late. My apologies for the time you lost. I would have liked to discuss with you my goals for my bildungsurlaub week in January. Do I have to write them down on this chat, publicly, or can we chat by e-mail? Thanks in advance, I’m looking forward to this week in January. :slight_smile:

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Hey Adelaide! No worries at all. I absolutely understand that life sometimes doesn’t go exactly to plan :sweat_smile: Let me check with the team to figure out the best protocol so that you don’t have to share your goals publicly - I’m sure we can find a solution :smiley:
All the best!

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